Saturday, April 21, 2007

Week 28

The Piglet has doubled his weight in the past month and is the size of a bag of flour. He now weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds. His total length is nearly 15". His lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the Piglet is born from now on, he'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. The Piglet's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as his brain, lungs & liver. As I can probably tell, he's also working on gaining layers of fat. His body fat is about 2-3%. I'm getting larger, and as I grow larger, I become more uncomfortable. My legs may ache or cramp, it's hard to get a good sleeping position, and the baby is big enough to give me some sharp kicks to the ribs! - excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy

I just woke up. It was great, sort of. I'm still kind of tired but it was a good sleep. I don't plan on doing anything today, I just want to relax and recuperate from this past week.

My first gestational diabetes test came back with... well I don't know the exact term. All I know is my doctor's office called and I had to book the 2nd Glucose Tolerace Test. I did that on Wednesday. I had to go in and get blood taken, then drink the sugar drink within 5 minutes. After an hour I had to get more blood taken and then I sat for another hour and had blood taken a third time. So, FOUR pokes later (one on the top of each hand and one in the side of my arm (failure) and one in the crook of the arm I was finished. I'm a bit worried that I will develop diabetes but at least I would be able to control it by nutrition. It was kind of a wake up call that I could be eating healthier. It's not like I'm eating crap 24/7 nor am I taking the "eating for two" to heart. But I'm definitely becoming more lax on eating treats and not eating enough fruits & veggies. Plus, I finished reading my text book for my course while I was sitting in the lab. There's really not much to do except read while trapped for 2 1/2 hours. I suppose that if there's a problem, my doctor's office will call this week and if I don't hear from them that's a good sign. Plus my next appointment is on May 2nd anyway.

Okay, so Michelle & Brian's wedding. It was so much fun. I'm so happy for them. They're big time Flames fans so everyone was encouraged to wear the jerseys (they did!) and there were the same colors, the cake and cupcakes had the logos, it was awesome! I believe I was only one that chose to wear something other than a jersey or Flames t-shirt. It just never dawned on me to go & buy something to wear for just one day. So there was this camera guy from global TV filming the ceremony, and later on while we were having dinner, they were on the news! Good thing there were TV's in the hall. Brian's speeches (during the ceremony and at dinner) were absolute tear jerkers. And Brayden's (Michelle's son) speech was so amazing. I never thought I would cry so much at a wedding; and I'm crying at the most non-cryable things right now so you can imagine how the speeches affected me! I had to leave after the first dances and the cake cutting; I was just so uncomfortable sitting. My legs and feet were so swollen that my flip flops were cutting into the tops of my feet. I'm so happy that Michelle is so happy. She's such a good friend. She's such a good person. She's the type of person that would do anything for you even if she suffered a bit or it inconvienced her, never in a million years expect anything in return and you can tell her anything and she will never ever judge you. I feel badly that we don't talk quite as much as we used to but y'know, life. She's always busy. I'm not sure she knows what free time is or how to pamper or spoil herself. She always, always puts others first. I hope she knows how much I value her friendship even if I'm not always around.
This is Michelle & I, back in the day!

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