Monday, April 30, 2007

More Steven-isms

His view on why my hips hurt so much...
"Your hips are moving. You're turning into a transformer. Click, click and you'll be a beetle."
(and I think he meant the insect not the car.. maybe he meant I was like Sir Paul.. who knows)

His comment on my fecankles...
"what the hell happened?"

When we went to get groceries on the weekend and he parked a million miles away:
me: you could have parked closer
him: you're supposed to walk more...
him: you're going to hit me now, aren't you?

When we went to COSTCO and he parked behind the store (a zillion miles away):
him: I guess I could have dropped you off at the door...

Well, our date to Jubilations was awesome! Although, personally I think it would be a sucky place to work, they really made it a good time for everyone. A SUPER BIG THANK YOU to Tamara & Derek who got us the tickets. I would definitely go again. We were looking at the packages available and really, they are quite affordable. Really, should have known this before The Piglet...

We ran some errands yesterday and swear to gosh, thought I was going to pass out in COSTCO. I started sweating something fierce and got super light-headed; Steven even noticed and asked me what was wrong. It was weird really. Lately when we've been shopping, I'll leave Steven at the check-out and waddle slowly back to the car. Yesterday, I did just that at Canadian Tire and darned if the bastard still BEAT ME to the truck. The hell? Am I moving backwards now? Whatever.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Week 29 - Third Trimester

The Piglet is about 2 1/2 pounds & would be between 15-17" tall if he could stand. His adrenal glands are producing a chemical which will be made into estriol (a form of estrogen) by the placenta. - excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy
We have now entered the third trimester! From pregnancy 29 weeks and beyond I will experience, among other things rapid weight gain. The Piglet's muscles and lungs will continue to develop and mature, his brain is also developing and maturing, with billions of neurons forming daily. The Piglet requires more nutrition than ever now, so it is important that I do everything possible to eat well and get plenty of sleep during this important developmental period!

My uterus is now about 3 and a half to four inches above your belly button. The weight gain may be as high as 25 to 26 pounds by pregnancy week 29. You definitely look and feel pregnant for the remainder of your pregnancy week by week!

I am probably plagued by heartburn once again, as my belly grows more and more substantial each day. I should be paying attention to your baby's movements each and every day. In general I will notice patterns of rest and wakefulness in your baby.

Now more than ever it is important that I eat several small meals per day. The Piglet needs the nutrients, and my digestive processes have slowed tremendously due to rising levels of progesterone and the decreasing space in The Buddha.

It is also important that I drink plenty of water during the third trimester to help ward off constipation, which can result in hemorrhoids.

Many women find that edema or swelling, particularly in the legs and feet becomes uncomfortable during the last trimester. Be sure to drink plenty of water, engage in light exercise such as walking, and keep my legs and feet elevated whenever possible.
-excerpt from

This morning we had our Infant CPR course. It was quite informative. Steven broke one of the babies when he was trying to dislodge a foreign object. We learned basic CPR for infants, children & adults; choking procedures and basic safety. Quite alot of stuff packed into 4 hours. Would I be confident? Possibly not... but I know what to do and hopefully I will never have to use this knowledge on anyone.

Yesterday we went to get Steven some new pants, then dinner, then up to Airdrie to get picked on by Shawn & Marilyn. I think they still think that we are woefully unprepared. But we have over 2 months left and we'll be starting the baby's room this month (May) and then we'll have a place to put stuff. Besides, I have The List of the things that we need and don't worry, we'll have the essentials. Although, a big thank you to both of them for the crash course on nipples, bottles and breast milk. I never knew all this stuff about pumping.... sigh.... Steven offered to build me a breast pump from his air compressor.

Tonight we're going on a date to Jubilations Dinner Theatre. Aside from being absolutey exhausted (Steven's actually napping right now, he's coming off night shift), it should be a fun evening. We have to share a table with some strangers, hopefully they don't expect us to talk with them other than what politeness dictates.
I'm starting to regret joining Facebook. It's like the Crack of the Internet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Breast Pumps and Bottles and Nipples... oh my!

Alright, so I started to feel guilty about not buying baby stuff. So last weekend I had to go to the mall to run some errands, I thought that I would stop into Zellers to price some baby things. People, I seriously thought my head was going to explode...after my eyes stopped bleeding. I was prepared for the prices and the selection but what I wasn't prepared for was the bottles and nipples. Who knew there were so many different kinds?!?!?! WHO KNEW? Why in the world are there so many different kinds of nipples? How in the world do they test market these things? Yeh, so I gave up looking and had some lunch. I'm thinking that I really need Brenda to come and HELP ME. Just putting that out there.

Last night was our first Childbirth Essentials class. There were 2 jokers in addition to Steven. It was fun. Very eye opening. While I vaguely understood the concept of 10cm dilated; I guess I was a bit unclear on what actually was doing the dilating and how big 10cm was. In the big scheme of things, yes 10 cm not that big... in comparison to it's normal circumference... quite a difference. I was telling the story to Dawna tonight and she said "well didn't you know how big 10cm was?" My response? "NOW, I do". Adele (the educator) had these felt swatches that had the different circumferences cut and you could see the progression. She passed it around and I compared the smallest to the 10cm and it was shocking. I won't bore you with all the bitter details but it was a good class. Another dad asked if he had to be in the delivery room so Steven asked if there was perhaps a sheet or curtain to obscure "that view" from his eyes. Another mom in class reassured them that they shouldn't worry and they could stay well north of the shoulders. All of the moms are further along than I am. I would say between 30 and 34 weeks. One mom may actually have the baby prior to class ending!

Guess what? It looks like my sister, Dawna, is coming to visit at the end of June! She wants to see me big and fat. As long as she's also able to come & see The Piglet afterwards, she's always more than welcome. I'm so excited! So I called my mom tonight to find out when she was going to come and stay with me. She's coming down when I start my mat leave and will stay until the baby is born (and the first few days). And then Steven, myself, Riley & The Piglet will bond as a family for hopefully a couple of weeks without any houseguests. And then she's coming back when Steven goes back to work and then Dawna comes again. It's coming up so fast! That picture is us at the Mall of America a couple of years ago. (she lives in Minneapolis)

My fecankles (feet, ankles, calves) are horrendous tonight. Not too sure why. I wasn't on my feet all day nor was I sitting all day. Anyway, they were tingling on the way home but I just thought they were tired but when I was in the recliner and glanced at them, holy shit. They are more swollen than anything yet. There is absolutely no definition on the top of my foot, just puffiness and tingling. I can't even take a picture, it wouldn't do the fecankles justice. Seeing is definitely believing! Even my big pink shoes (that look like slippers) are too tight. I must buy some new shoes, maybe tomorrow at lunch.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Week 28

The Piglet has doubled his weight in the past month and is the size of a bag of flour. He now weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds. His total length is nearly 15". His lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the Piglet is born from now on, he'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. The Piglet's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as his brain, lungs & liver. As I can probably tell, he's also working on gaining layers of fat. His body fat is about 2-3%. I'm getting larger, and as I grow larger, I become more uncomfortable. My legs may ache or cramp, it's hard to get a good sleeping position, and the baby is big enough to give me some sharp kicks to the ribs! - excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy

I just woke up. It was great, sort of. I'm still kind of tired but it was a good sleep. I don't plan on doing anything today, I just want to relax and recuperate from this past week.

My first gestational diabetes test came back with... well I don't know the exact term. All I know is my doctor's office called and I had to book the 2nd Glucose Tolerace Test. I did that on Wednesday. I had to go in and get blood taken, then drink the sugar drink within 5 minutes. After an hour I had to get more blood taken and then I sat for another hour and had blood taken a third time. So, FOUR pokes later (one on the top of each hand and one in the side of my arm (failure) and one in the crook of the arm I was finished. I'm a bit worried that I will develop diabetes but at least I would be able to control it by nutrition. It was kind of a wake up call that I could be eating healthier. It's not like I'm eating crap 24/7 nor am I taking the "eating for two" to heart. But I'm definitely becoming more lax on eating treats and not eating enough fruits & veggies. Plus, I finished reading my text book for my course while I was sitting in the lab. There's really not much to do except read while trapped for 2 1/2 hours. I suppose that if there's a problem, my doctor's office will call this week and if I don't hear from them that's a good sign. Plus my next appointment is on May 2nd anyway.

Okay, so Michelle & Brian's wedding. It was so much fun. I'm so happy for them. They're big time Flames fans so everyone was encouraged to wear the jerseys (they did!) and there were the same colors, the cake and cupcakes had the logos, it was awesome! I believe I was only one that chose to wear something other than a jersey or Flames t-shirt. It just never dawned on me to go & buy something to wear for just one day. So there was this camera guy from global TV filming the ceremony, and later on while we were having dinner, they were on the news! Good thing there were TV's in the hall. Brian's speeches (during the ceremony and at dinner) were absolute tear jerkers. And Brayden's (Michelle's son) speech was so amazing. I never thought I would cry so much at a wedding; and I'm crying at the most non-cryable things right now so you can imagine how the speeches affected me! I had to leave after the first dances and the cake cutting; I was just so uncomfortable sitting. My legs and feet were so swollen that my flip flops were cutting into the tops of my feet. I'm so happy that Michelle is so happy. She's such a good friend. She's such a good person. She's the type of person that would do anything for you even if she suffered a bit or it inconvienced her, never in a million years expect anything in return and you can tell her anything and she will never ever judge you. I feel badly that we don't talk quite as much as we used to but y'know, life. She's always busy. I'm not sure she knows what free time is or how to pamper or spoil herself. She always, always puts others first. I hope she knows how much I value her friendship even if I'm not always around.
This is Michelle & I, back in the day!

Friday, April 20, 2007

You Win... For Now

So, my sister Dawna let me know that her friend's comments are far superior to Steven-isms. We'll call her The Friend to keep her's her story: "Anyway, This will make you giggle. You have Steven, I have The Friend. She's a great person, and if you don't like The Friend, then you just don't like anything. It would be like not liking Golden retreiver puppies. Any way, here's my story. Background info: last weekend I had this great ice cream at Sharon's. It was fancy, schmancy ice came in a tin, and it was expensive. The flavour was, POMEGRANATE and Dark Chocolate Chip. It was quite good. So of course on Monday I tell the girls at work about this wonderful POMEGRANATE ice cream. Later in the day the other girls tell me The Friend's been telling patients I've been eating POMERANIAN and dark chocolate chip ice cream. I'm asian and some asian cultures do eat dogs....more than a few eyebrows were raised.I love her, she's so funny, but such a dizz. Second story: I was telling The Friend my new place has only a small balcony so I'm only going to grow some herbs in pots this summer. A container garden would be do-able. She regularly refers to it as my "pot" garden. I wish she would use the word "container". We laugh alot over that one. So I am rapidly losing credibility at work. According to The Friend, I'm eating dogs and growing cannabis :) Welcome to my world."
Now, if only my other sister would tell her friend stories... she would win HANDS DOWN! (You know which friend I'm talking about!)

Apparently there are those of you out there that think that Steven & I are ill-prepared for the baby. Within the past 2 weeks there have been mutliple people who have expressed more than a little shock to learn that we haven't bought anything. Okay, we haven't bought anything yet, we haven't prepared the baby room yet. Personally we think we have time left, but to hear others speak, it's like we're running around ass backwards and oblivious. I have to disagree. We are one step closer. I just printed off a list of necessities and it's not like we haven't been LOOKING at things to get for the baby, we just haven't purchased anything yet. And before you think perhaps that we can't afford it, don't worry...we can, it's just that, well it's still over 2 months left and even if we bought all the stuff that we needed, where would we put it? We're not setting up the baby's room until next month, it's not like we have a huge house. Really, the more stuff that we get prior to baby, that just means, that much more clutter that I have to worry about. We're not irresponsible people or anything, we're not going to arrive at the hospital naked, without diapers, pads or a car seat.. c'mon, give us a little credit.

This week has been pretty difficult at work. I've been working long hours, running ragged, doing more than my normal job duties, not drinking enough and not eating well nor on time. Combine that with not sleeping well, a sick Riley and a husband working nights. I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm so glad that the weekend is here. I feel like I'm out of gas... although, heh... I suppose I should say out of steam because gas is a whole other thing that I was going to mention.

Yeh, so gas. For those of you who do not want to read about my bodily functions, well... skip to the next paragraph. And don't say I didn't warn you. One of the symptons of pregnancy is constipation and excess gas. (Dawna, I swear it's in the books. She's thinks that I'm blaming absolutely everything on being pregnant.) Constipation, not a problem with me... in fact, I'm pretty regular... well more than regular. HEY I WARNED YOU AT THE START. But just last week I was thinking that the gas thing wouldn't be a problem either. I'm actually less gassy.... well, let's re-phrase that to I WAS less gassy. The past couple days have been doozies, but really what can I do? Aside from not fart in the elevator and not in someone else's office. (great, now every single smell in the office will totally be blamed on me) It just sort of sneaks up on you. Like a ninja. The Ninja Farts.

Poor Riley was sick these past couple of days. Coming out both ends. Don't worry it's not the food, we've had these bags of food for awhile now. It seems to have worked it's way out of his system. Last night, Steven was up watching a movie (he's on nights but was off last night) and when he made a bag of popcorn, Rye came running down the stairs (this is huge. when I go to bed, Rye goes to bed and rarely ever moves from his bed until morning even if someone else is still awake) and sat with Steven while he ate the popcorn. He got a couple of kernels and as soon as the popcorn was finished, he left Steven and went back to bed. What a guy, he must be feeling better.

I may have joined Facebook tonight (Yes, Jeannie it was because of you). I just have to root around and find some people that I know. I just have to find the time to sit down and figure out how to do everything. Maybe some time this weekend. Another friend, Jen told me about it too. I was looking around a bit, but everyone seems so young.

Remind me to write about Michelle & Brian's wedding. It was a blast. AND it was on the news!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Week 27

The Piglet weighs about 2 pounds and is about 12-15" long, about the size of a pot roast. If The Piglet was born now, he would have an excellent chance (85%) of surviving. He still isn't fully formed and would probably not be able to breath by himself. He would need to stay in an incubator to keep his body temperature regulated, and he would have a weak liver and immune system. Fact: babies have more taste buds at birth than they will have later in life. Newborns can sniff out & tell the difference between their mother's milk and someone elses. The weight of The Piglet is putting pressure on your back, which can cause shooting pains (sciata) in your lower back & legs; lifting, bending, & walking can make the pain worse. Warm baths, ice packs and changing positions may help. I may also have a hard time bending over & tying my shoes. My heart rate may increase, causing me to feel flush & look winded with less exertion.- excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy

I'm toying with the idea of changing the url for this blog. I'm not sure if such an identifying url is the smartest thing in the world. If at a later date, you try and log on and it tells you that this blog does not exist, just email us and I'll let you know the new one.

We had chicken wings and beer last night. Well, some of us had beer and some of us had soda. Anyway, I'm thinking that wings are out of the question for me... for now at least. I was up quite late, and I was quite sick. Damn it. There goes the one of the last of the spicy things that I was able to enjoy. Oh, no... what if I'm not able to eat THE SOUP? Seriously, life might be over then. THE SOUP is this yummy goodness sold at the food court across from where I work. It's so good.

I just got prettied up this morning. Had my first pedicure of the season:

I'm going to Michelle & Brian's wedding this afternoon. I'm quite looking forward to it, seeing old friends and watching them finally make it legal (yeh, like I'm one to talk!). I'm hoping that I'll be able to be there for awhile but I've been so uncomfortable this past week that I may have to leave early and come home & lay down.

Friday, April 13, 2007


His advice to husband/boyfriends of pregnant hormonal women:
"Just learn how to blend into the couch"

Him: The house is getting pretty messy.
Me: You know what you can do to help?
Him: Shut up?

How he makes my life easier:
"By eating only 1 sandwich at lunch instead of two; so I have less sandwiches to make for him"

How after the baby is born he will make my life easier:
"I will just eat the baby food instead of sandwiches for lunch, it's all there, meat, veggies, dessert. And there's no chewing involved, it's a win-win"

How I am able to write all these embaressing things about us:
"I don't read the blog, so I don't care; it's not like anyone's calling to complain or anything"

Monday, April 9, 2007

So Cold

Okay, they are calling for snow. Possibly 4-10 cm of snow. WTF? When is winter going to be over? When will I be able to stop worrying if my winter jacket will still fit. Bah.
And, did you know stretch marks are very angry looking? I have a couple on either side of my belly button and boy, do they ever look mean. They are red and they are angry.
Cindy came back from Great Falls and apparently The Piglet scored quite the haul. Never mind that he's still in utero, she also said that she showed some restraint because she's planning another trip in the Fall. Great.
Last night I woke up every couple of hours to rearrange myself, pee and take the covers back from Steven, the thief. I woke up very, very tired. Somehow, I need to manage more sleep than I am getting, I'm not sure how to make it thru the day.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Sunday aka The Return of Cheese

That's right, I had a ham and CHEESE sandwich for lunch. Actually I had two. They were good.

It's such a nice day today. This afternoon, I had to run some eyedrops to Steven at his work. He's got some sort of eye infection, hopefully it clears up otherwise he'll have to go see the doctor Monday or Tuesday.

Last night we were watching this show on Animal Planet "When Good Pets Go Bad". This one segment was the funniest f'ing thing I have ever seen. I'm probably going to Hell for laughing so hard. But c'mon. This guy has a reindeer farm, and he looks like Santa Claus; one of his reindeer attacked him. But that's not the funny part. They did a "re-enactment" of the entire deadly attack. Poor frickin' reindeer. So, Santa (he is dressed in the whole she-bang) goes into the reindeer pen and in order for it to look like this poor reindeer is attacking him, Santa grabs this unsuspecting reindeer by the antlers and bends his poor head down and starts essentially wrestling with this animal, they're both on the ground the poor reindeer trying to struggle free and Santa not letting go, I'm pretty sure Santa was kicking him too. (I was laughing so hard, good thing that I didn't have to pee) But the show's voice-over was trying to impart how much of a life and death struggle this was, they had people running over to help pin the reindeer (which I might add, is NOT the attacking reindeer just some poor stand-in minding his own business) and they lasso his back legs and hogtie this poor guy. For dramatic effect they had fake blood on both Santa and the reindeer. Here's the kicker, the original reindeer that attacked Santa (for real) had a heart attack and died, so the next shot was of meat in a frying pan and those bastards had slaughtered the reindeer and ate him. It took me awhile to stop laughing last night.

I was going to write an Ode to Cheese but I just don't have the imagination right now. Maybe later.

Riley, from the roast beef's point of view:

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Week 26

The Piglet weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and has undergone a growth spurt in the past few weeks. From weeks 20-28, he almost doubles in height and now would be about a foot tall if he could stand. This week marks a major milestone in The Piglet's hearing & sight. His hearing system (cochlea & peripheral sensory end organs), which began fine development during week 18, is now completely formed, and over the next few weeks, he'll become increasingly sensitive to sound. In about a month, I'll feel him jump if he hears a sudden loud noise. Sound passes easily into my uterus, which helps his ears develop.
His eyes are almost fully formed. Did you know that all babies have blue eyes in the womb, no matter what their genetic inheritance is? A baby's eyes don't get their final colour until a few months after they are born. The air sacs of the lungs, called alveoli, will be developed by the end of this week and will begin to secrete a substance called surfactant that keeps the lung tissue from sticking together.
Sleeping is definitely getting uncomfortable. I should try sleeping on my left side. The Piglet has to battle with my backbone when I'm lying on my back, and sleeping on my back will also position my uterus over a major artery, cutting off blood flow. If this happens, I may feel light-headed.
- excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy
Not too much going on here. Have been packing up all my clothes that don't fit and probably won't fit for awhile. They're sitting in garbage bags in the hallway for Steven to cart down to the crawl space. Doing laundry. Doing dishes. Grocery shopping. Boring. Boring. Boring. After I'm done this, I'm going to cut up my pineapples and eat them while I do my school work. Like I said, boring.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

I woke up all fuzzy-headed and a sore throat this morning. Watched some TV, did the dishes, ate, talked to Steven (he's working this weekend) and took a nap after lunch. So much for house cleaning and working on my course. It was a good nap. I would have slept much longer if the doorbell wouldn't have rang. Damn census taker. Scared the Bejesus out of Riley & I; both of us sleeping upstairs. And you know Riley, he runs straight for the bay window to voice his displeasure and ensure that the "intruder" is fully aware of his presence. He sat quietly behind me and stared at the census taker while I answered the questions. I love my big & scary dog.

The doctor's appointment was fairly uneventful. Got weighed (am doing well, not gaining too much), blood pressure is good, belly measurement is good. And this time I had the lady doctor...Dr. S. She was nice. When she heard that Steven hadn't heard the heartbeat yet, she moved the doppler around to get a "good one". And it was nice & clear, sounded just like galloping horses; none of that whoosh, whoosh noise. 150 beats.

I'm booked for my gestational diabetes testing for Tuesday morning. Not too keen about the bloodwork part; I've never been able to give up my blood easily. Even Blood Services told me not to return because they could never find a vein. Anyway, hopefully it won't be too painful, it usually takes a couple of pokes per arm to find a good vein.

It was Liz's last day yesterday. She's started her maternity leave. I'm going to miss her, the office won't be the same. It makes me sad. I cried on the way home. I can't imagine what the office will be like next week. I'm sure the new person, Heather will be fine, but she's not Liz. I told her we'd get together when I'm on mat leave and "compare" babies.

My right wrist has been bothering me all afternoon. I've been getting these shooting pains up my arm, originating from below the thumb area on the wrist and up my arm. That coupled with my existing neck, shoulder, arm, back pain on the right side is worrying me. How long will I be able to work on the computer? It's really hurting but not all the time, it's intermittent. Hmm, is that how it's spelled? Whatever. I'm too tired to look it up.

Cooked a ham for dinner tonight. Yum, ham & scalloped potatoes. It's a pretty big ham for just the 2 of us but we can eat it all weekend. And on Sunday, I'll be able to eat cheese so maybe I'll make a quiche.

Oh, this is kind of funny. We have these recliner chairs in the living room and yesterday, I got up to go to the kitchen and I thought the recliner was in the closed position but when I got up it opened and pushed me across the room. It was like it all happened in slow motion; it hit the back of my calves and as I was standing up the momentum pushed me onto the end of the sectional by the china cabinet and I fell onto the couch. I was laughing so hard, I looked back at Steven and he was trying not to laugh at me. I'm so clumsy sometimes. But it was seriously in slow-mo.
I watched Mr. Holland's Opus this afternoon. I cried thru nearly the entire movie. I don't remember it being quite so emotional; apparently the hormones have returned to my life. Great. Maybe I should give Steven a heads up. Heh, the advice that he gave the class last week to deal with all the hormonal change? "Learn how to blend into the couch". Well, he's done that quite well.

Happy Easter, everyone.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Business Savvy

It's probably not a good idea to tell your boss that you hate him, right? Hear me out though, I think if he's rubbing in the fact that he's in Hawaii enjoying the 29 degree weather while we're fighting to stay warm with this sudden windchill and snowstorm, then really he deserves it, doesn't he? DOESN'T HE?

I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. This time it's with the lady doctor in the office. Steven is coming with me and he'll be hearing the heartbeat for the very first time! We're also going to ask about the 3D ultrasound and see if there's any harm to The Piglet. Hopefully not because it looks like the coolest thing! Kind of expensive but I think it would be worth it.

I wore this white shirt to work today and unfortunately I've been brushing up against alot of things with the Buddha and the Boobs. My white shirt is no longer white. There are these weird red smudges on both boobs, and lower down there's this brown stuff. Oddly enough, neither is food.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fool's!

Yeh, I don't have a joke or anything to go with the title; can't think of anything.
We had such a good time at the lacrosse game last night. I can't believe Russ had that much energy, just watching him was making me tired. The Piglet enjoyed the game alot, he was moving, kicking and shaking with all the loud sounds. Steven asked Russ if he was going to change diapers for the baby and even though Russ was chattering away about something else, he shot back "Not on your life" and went back to whatever else he was chattering about. It was funny. Because I was getting up to get a snack, I also did the beer run. It was awesome. There was a little bit of a pause for the server AND I also got ID'd. If you look 25 or under, they ID you... I love it. And then when Steven & I did a bathroom run, we went back for more beer, to the same lady. I'm sure she thought I was drinking. Too funny.
We went to Tim's after the game. They barely had any doughnuts left. What is wrong with this place? This isn't the first time that we've gone there and this has happened. One time they had ZERO doughnuts left... hello? That's what you're known for... please don't run out again. It made me very sad. I really want the powdered jam timbits now.
I didn't realize The Buddha was so big.
