Monday, June 30, 2008


John is one year old today. I can't even believe how fast the year passed. It seems like yesterday that I was getting induced and laying in the hospital bed wondering how our life was going to change. I couldn't even imagine all this wonderfulness. The long, stressful labour that I don't really remember all of. The emergency c-section. The rough breastfeeding introduction. The incision that didn't heal that well because I was an idiot about not "taking it easy" for the 6 weeks. I remember how scared I was that first night by myself in the hospital. How scared. How overwhelmed. How amazed. Utterly in awe of this tiny little baby. So in love. Just perched on the edge of the bed, watching him. Fearful of falling asleep and not being on watch over him.

And now an entire year has passed in a blink of an eye. How did that happen? Where did my baby go? Who is this little boy? The little boy who crawls at the speed of light and cruises along the furniture. The little boy who zooms for Riley and laughs maniacly when Riley runs away or gleefully grabs handfuls of fur from poor Riley. Or the little boy who leans over the side of his high chair and systematically throws Riley food during each and every meal. John is a wonder. I love him more & more every day and am thankful for our blessing each and every day. His hair is getting longer and there are these adorable little curls at the back and I'm holding off the inevitable haircut. I just can't bear the thought right now.

Just one glance and he breaks out in the biggest smile and you can see the absolute joy in his little tiny face. His arms out reaching for you or rather to grab your hair. And then he'll look at you with complete rapture grab your hand (or foot), lovingly bring it to his face and then chomp down with his 6 teeth. Holy smokes can he ever bite hard!

We've been so lucky. He's very easy going. He's very good natured and happy. He's rarely cranky. And the best part? He's been sleeping thru the night since probably January. He's a great sleeper. He's down between 8:30pm & 9:00pm and he'll sleep until about 8:00am. Sometimes he cries out but for the most part he's able to settle himself back to sleep. I'm thankful that those hazy sleep deprived days are gone. They nearly killed me.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Birthday Party

It was so nice for John's birthday party. We had many friends and family come and share the day with us and celebrate. The running joke was that the invitation was 1:00pm - 4:00pm and if you were still at my house at 4:01pm there would be hell to pay. But do you know what? I don't really think it was rude to state times on the invite, I don't care what some people say. If you don't have an end time that is your perogative but we chose (or rather) I chose to have an end time because I just did not want a never-ending party. I'm sorry if that offended some people but you can't please everyone all the time. Phew, done my rant. All in all it was a good day, a bit (okay, ALOT) stressful but it was my baby's first birthday party.

The cake was awesome. We got it at the local Co-op.

The birthday boy was adorable. I really didn't think he'd wear the hat but I think because there were so many other distractions, he didn't care.

He loved the cake. Although, technically this was his second birthday cake. We had a mini birthday party at the beginning of the month with Shawn, Marilyn, Russ & Lib because they weren't able to attend this party. On a side note, the cake icing stained his skin for a bit. Good thing I changed from my white shirt into a black one!

And well, this picture is fairly self explanatory. I mean... c'mon it was all Steven.

If you can't read his shirt, keep scrolling down.
And that's how we like to party.

John absolutely LOVED the tool bench that Darrin got him. And I feel badly about making everyone sit thru the opening of the gifts but it's a necessary evil at a kid's birthday party. On one hand it's cute but then on the other hand it's probably as much fun as watching paint dry. But I thank everyone for all the wonderful gifts and all the love and attention.

Did I mention that my dad came to town for TWO days so he could be at John's birthday party? That is a BIG DEAL. And I know some of you don't (or won't) appreciate this fact, but it is incredible that he wanted to come to the party.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

But you can't really tell that my hair is half-way down my back.

Originally I wanted to get something shorter but Sam wouldn't let me.

And thankfully I'm happy to report that I don't look like Dora AT ALL.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

The Happy Papa.

After the...uh...ahem.."procedure"
Playing with dad at Grandma & Grandpa's house

Sleeping with Dad in Halifax.

At the beach

After 6+ hours in the car

Rough day

I love my dad

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hot Potato

Did you know that potatoes could catch on fire in the microwave?

Yeh, neither did I.

Neither did John!
(this is a photo taken right before I realized there was a fire)
And before you get all self-righteous, etc.. on me. Yes, I made cuts in the potato. And NO, there was no metal in there.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Wow, is my voice ever high & squeaky. This is his first time in a swing and he loved it. Hopefully it will stop raining soon so we can go back.
