Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Oh how the times have changed. At times it seems like it was just yesterday that John was born. But then at the same time it seems like John has always been with us, I can't remember the time before John.

First Birthday. Such a baby. Look at those chubby arms and chubby, chubby legs. He wasn't walking yet but cruising along on furniture. I had to remind myself not to hurry him along and he'd walk when he was ready.

Such a great picture. Sometimes I wish I could transport back and capture the moment and done more things. Had more memories for John. Bittersweet I suppose. I'm glad that my parents were still alive when their grandchild (only) was born. I'm glad they were able to share in the first 2 years of his life. But I wouldn't be human if I didn't think "What if".

What if my mom was still alive? What if I would have had a baby sooner? What if I had more children? What if she would have spent more time with him? What if we would have moved back? What if. What if. What if.

I think I'll always be a little sad when I remember mom.

Birthday Number TWO!

No longer baby looking but toddler-ish. Look at the hair, no more chubby baby arms. Walking, running and the ability to swing deceptively harmful plastic golf clubs.

Here's my boy. Birthday Number THREE!

Not that this is how we celebrated his birthday. Yeah, that's our idea of a party. What little boy doesn't enjoy running around naked and peeing outside?

Birthday boy. Look at how much he's grown. This is after his haircut and they put gel in his hair. Not sure why but no matter what I do, I can't spike his hair like this again. :( Also, he cries when I try and gel his hair, he thinks it's not "cool". Although looking at us, John's probably got more fashion sense than both Steven & I combined.

Posing for the new camera. Yes that's right, I bought a camcorder. Picture quality isn't great but video quality is outstanding. I can't believe that it's taken me this long to buy one. Really should have bought one right after John was born. Just imagine how much I could have recorded!He's such a thinker.

Couldn't you just smother him with kisses?

John is three years old today. THREE years old. Can you even believe how fast the time has gone by? He's a walking, talking (sort of his own language), busy, energetic, smart little boy. Sometimes I stop and watch him while he plays and I can only imagine what is going on in his head. He's very creative and can create these incredible play scenarios. I wonder how much is environmental and how much is simply genetically hard-wired into this brain.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

We actually went to the amusement park on the day before Father's Day. We weren't able to take a picture of John on the very first ride that we went on because sadly my camera has crapped out. :(

We weren't sure that John would like to go on the rides, sometimes he can be a bit fussy about the strangest things. But as you can see, he loved the rides. LOVED them.

It was shortly after this picture was taken that I realized how fast the ride turned and as a result I had to hang onto the wheel to slow the car down and hang onto John to keep him from sliding from side to side.

Got Steven to take him on the carousel. Again, sadly the camera pooped out so I don't have any pictures of John squirming around and off the horse. Steven and John ended up sitting on one of the benches on the carousel.

And the plane! Poor Steven, didn't like the ride but John was waving at people and looking around.

And the train!

Look at him. Arms on the back of the seat. John leaning back, taking in the sights.

He only started crying when the train stopped and he had to get off the train.

My boys.
All my boys. Happy Father's Day.

You can love your dog but you can't LOVE your dog.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Rock The Saturday Night

Yup, I'm looking up tips for potty training.

I've been doing a little research and the playschools all require students to be fully potty trained in order to attend. I think we're going to register for a playschool and go hard with the training. I foresee alot of naked days for John. And I foresee alot of laundry days for Steven.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Who knew that I should have specified which family member used the potty.

Live and learn, I guess. Although, thank you to those that didn't disappoint us!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mark the Date!

Guess who pooped in the potty yesterday?

Funniest thing ever.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

No Respect

I met up with both Matt & Steven this afternoon.

In the span of a 30 minutes, in separate conversations, they both asked me if I applied sunscreen to John.

Really, do I look that flaky & irresponsible?

Thanks guys. Thanks alot.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dear Co-Workers,

I am sorry that I tried to use the Crystal Deodorant again today. I'd like to say that it will never happen again but truthfully, I'm going to get the hang of it if it kills me. Although at this rate, it just may kill you first.

I'll just take my sister's advice and fart more so you just won't realize that I smell like B.O.

Lots of Love!
I'll see you at work tomorrow,
The Mommy

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Eco-Friendly - Lori, Mother Earth

I bought a crystal deodorant last night.

Am I the only one on Earth that defies the power of the crystal? I'm pretty sure I still stink. Maybe I did it incorrectly. Anyone have any experience? I'm all for protecting myself and the environment but I'm positive that anyone down-wind of me would prefer that I not be quite so eco-friendly.

Maybe I'll continue to use it, stop shaving my legs, arms and other regions. I am Mother Earth...Hear Me Roar.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Neighbours

There are new renters that moved in next door to us. I hate this rental house.

These renters have only been here since the weekend and they've mowed the lawn. AND they used the whipper snipper.

I think that Steven wanted to run out with open arms and I wanted to tell them that I loved them.

As per the movie Up. "I have just met you and I love you."