Saturday, January 31, 2009

19 Months

HEY, I'M 19 MONTHS OLD!!!!! Can you even believe it? Look how grown up I am Look at the chewed up hot dog in my mouth. LOOK AT IT!!!!!

I am growing so tall. I don't know how tall but my mommy is measuring me against the wall in the bedroom. She measured me and Riley. I think she measured daddy too but it's too high for me to see.

I love watching TV with dad. I love holding the remote control. I also love holding the telephone, I can push up to 2 buttons before it's taken away from me. My mom and dad don't love it quite as much as me. I don't know why.

I love Riley. He tolerates me because I throw food at him. We share snacks so I get to ride him. (deep down I think he loves me but I'm kind of grabby and I pinch him alot)

These are some of the above mentioned snacks. They are my veggie puffs and are delish. Yum.

Yup, that's all. Later, gators.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fair Play

Just so you don't think I'm being mean, I now present you a story that is embarrassing for moi.

Steven, John & I were at the drugstore buying some essentials the other night. John was wandering free, I was meandering behind and Steven was herding us both. I hadn't yet made it home from work yet, so I had my purse and a knapsack. We went to wait in line. John wandered, I waited and Steven hovered. The girl in front of me was taking FOREVER so quite the line was forming behind me. I still waited, John & Steven wandered out into the mall area. Finally, I paid for my two items, declined the plastic bag, shoved both items in my purse and attempted to leave the store. And then the security alarm went off. Le sigh. I turned back, return to the counter, opened my purse and brought out the bottle of pills. The cashier shook his head slightly and said "no, it's most likely the box." All eyes are on me. I shrug. And so I pull out the box of condoms from my purse so he can try and re-scan the box or whatever they do. I attempt a bit of humor. I jest with the cashier..."would you like to announce a price check on the box as well?" I laugh. He returns the box to me and says if the security alarm goes again, just keep walking. I return my box to my purse, zip it shut and leave the store. The security alarm goes off again. I turn around. The cashier waves me off. "Just keep walking" he says.

I told Steven the story and in his mind, that wasn't the funny part. In his mind the funny part is that the bottle of pills were Glucosamine. For joint pain. We bought joint pain pills and condoms. Steven is wondering if the cashier thought we needed to use them together.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

He Works in Mysterious Ways

I have this hilarious story that I've been meaning to tell you but I've been hesitant because I wasn't sure if I could name names. Just so you don't think I'm telling tales out of school, I have permission to tell this story AND to include the name. However, I think it adds to the allure if I keep the name a secret. Although, I could change my mind later.

The person in the story shall be called She Who Must Not Be Named (aka "SWMNBN"). All the ladies will totally relate to this story...the men, well, maybe not so much.

I was talking with SWMNBN and we were comparing doctor stories because recently I have suffered from a bladder infection. (side note: holy crap...PAINFUL) And I had been visiting the doctor alot because it took awhile to diagnose this problem while I suffered in excruciating pain and bright orange technicolor pee. (that's a side effect of one of the medications, if the doctor hadn't told me about the color change, I probably would have passed out from the surprise).

too much information yet?

SWMNBN told me that she has also had bladder infections and once you've had one, you know. I mean you JUST KNOW when another one is developing. So, she was having syptoms and made a trip to her regular clinic. All the female doctors were busy so they had asked her if she would be willing to see another doctor. A male doctor. SWMNBN debated but thought she could handle it. Until she saw hot latino doctor. SWMNBN said she started sweating and blabbering about her symptons to the doctor's assistant and how she knew it was a bladder infection and how hot latino doctor did NOT have to examine her "down there". (vaguely waving her hand in the vicinity of her pelvis)

As SWMNBN is telling me this story, I can picture her stammering and trying to weasel out of an exam. And then I started laughing.

Me: Well, you did wish for a hot guy to get into your pants. You probably didn't wish for this. I can just imagine God up there laughing... "hahaha SWMNBN, got her on a technicality!"

That still makes me laugh. "got her on a technicality!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

There's a Difference?

We met my friend Tamara and Alex, her eldest son, for dinner tonight. They are in town for a couple of days. On the way home Steven was asking me if I thought he had given Alex a hard time. And in Steven terms, this translates into "did I irritate Alex"? or "did I tease him enough"? NOT too much because in Steven world there is never any such thing as "too much".

Steven: Did I make a good impression?
Me: Not good, there is no good impression for you. There is simply an impression.
Steven: Okay, did I make an impression?
Me: Well, you could have eased into it a bit, he doesn't get to see us that often. Better let him get used to you before you try and make him scared.
Steven: No, that's not my style. I want him to remember me as the crazy one.

Okay, mission accomplished.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Big One and The Little One

Look who came to visit! It's Matthieu. (he's the oldest grandchild)
It was so good to see him again. It's been years since I've seen him. He looks good. I can't believe he's an adult. Gah.
I love that it's the oldest grandchild with the youngest grandchild.
(isn't my nephew handsome?)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reality TV

The Real World
American Idol
America's Next Top Model
The Bachelor
Beauty and The Geek
Momma's Boys
Amazing Race
Tow Biz
Parking Wars
Dog, the Bounty Hunter
and now this....
Saw for Hire.


A reality show about tree aborists. TREE ABORISTS?

Steven, John & I could totally be the next reality stars. We're much more entertaining. Wouldn't you watch a reality TV show about a stay at home dad. Especially if that dad was Steven?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Baby's Work is Never Done

So much work to do, so little time.

What to do first?
Saw daddy in half.....
...or take a water break?
A job well done.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Words To Live By

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.

Grandpa Simpson
Episode: 3F21 Homerpalooza

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009, Bring It.

I don't usually post any pictures of Steven. Mostly because he doesn't pose for many pictures unless he's "vacation Steven". But last month I was able to do a series of photos that we like to call Sears Catalogue. I've been meaning to post these for the longest time but I just never had the right time or the right things to say. But they are just too good to keep all to myself.

The Shampoo Commercial Hair Swing

The Sears Catalogue Underwear pose

The "Please don't sit next to me on the bus" pose

The Stalker.. oops, I mean The Thinker

Happy New Year Everyone.
To a happy and healthy 2009!
