Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday, I have:
  • not eaten well, I think I bought my lunch all 5 days :(
  • only exercised 3 times
  • been sick for 4 days
  • lost weight
  • lost inches
And because I was sick, I had to backtrack on the running. I was wiped this past weekend. So instead of continuing to run 10 minute cycles, I had to step back to 4 minutes. But better than quitting altogether, right?

I also tried out The Biggest Loser workouts. (Thanks Kel!) The sculpt was good. The cardio was good. So now I need to get a DVD set up in the basement. I NEED ONE. I really liked these workouts and it adds a good mix to my routine.

Man. my weight loss is really slow. I mean, it's continually dropping but it's like tortoise slow, y'know. And I know, blah blah blah taking it off slowly is good blah blah blah didn't gain it all at once and blah blah blah I'll have a better chance at maintaining a reasonable lifestyle change. Thank goodness I can really see the change in the my clothes otherwise I'd be really discouraged by now.

I think I even saw my cheekbones tonight. Holy shit!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I've been wanting to buy a table and chair set for John. I've been checking out the stores, 2nd hand stores, garage sales etc.

AND then...Kijiji. Wow, that word looks weird.

$20. And that's not even the best part. The lady lives in my same neighborhood. Not even 5 minutes away. Awesome.

No real price tag on the cheesy Sears catalog photo.
And contrary to popular belief, I don't actually tell him to pose like this. I may offer some direction, like "go sit on the chair" or "stand behind the table". But never once did I utter the words "lie across both chairs". Not once.

I love this set. I envision him sitting at his table doing crafts or writing or drawing.

What is actually happening?

He wants to move the table to the kitchen and eat at this table.
I am putting my laptop on the table (because it's right next to the outlet) and I am sitting on the little chair and doing work after John goes to bed. At first, I think "hey, it's not that uncomfortable" and then about an hour later I can't feel my ass anymore and I can barely get off the chair.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Maytag Repairman

So this is my little laundry area in the basement. Sadly, this is the cleanest part of the basement.


My washing machine broke last week. I don't know the technical terms but in a nutshell, the spin part of the cycle was no longer spinning. AND as a result, I had to hand wring a load of laundry. By myself. On a Sunday night. Very cold and sore, sore hands. Not to say that Steven was sitting on his ass. Well, actually he was sitting on his ass but he was being productive while sitting on his ass. He was going online to research how to fix the problem.
Monday afternoon: Isn't he the cutest little guy ever? Don't you just want to wrap him in a big hug?

And before you freak out, this is only the washing machine shell. See the actual washing machine in the background? There should be a handle on the side and that creepy music where the clown pops up.

The actual fixin' part of the job.
Of course, you must dress like a pirate.

I'm not sure why there's no "ass-crack" picture. I mean, c'mon!

Thankfully my washing machine is fixed. Phew.

Thank you to my Mr. Fix-It guys.

Give My Head a Shake

In my quest to entertain John, I think I may have gone too far.
Feathers. Pom Poms. Pipecleaners. Glue sticks.
What you can't see are the many, many tiny eyes.
Those weird, weird toy eyes.
What you also can't see is me, picking dried glue off stuff.
And me stabbing myself with the sharp ends of the pipecleaners.
And me still picking up stray feathers.
And bits of paper.
And stickers.
But we had fun.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday, I have:
  • not lost weight
  • exercised 6 days (I know, awesome right?)
  • ran 5km twice
  • improved my running time
  • increased my running time
  • only brought my lunch 2/5 days (bad)
  • drank my water

I believe that my lunch time habits are hurting my weight loss. I really need to buckle down and eat my packed lunches every day. I think that instead of once per week that maybe it should be once every two weeks that I buy lunch. Not only will I keep a lid on my food intake, I will also save more money.

I don't measure this week so I'm not positive that I've lost inches BUT I tried on more clothes and I am able to wear more clothes. And fyi, I am down 2 sizes since the start of "Operation Lose My Ass".


John made maracas in one of his music classes. So we made more at home because I'm so crafty!

I know. Scissors. Glue. Bits of paper. Awesome.
All kids like crafts.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I am a Tool

When I got home tonight, Steven noticed that my shirt was on inside out.

Yup. All day long.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday I have:

  • not lost any weight
  • not gained any weight
  • lost inches
  • exercised 4 days
  • brought my lunch 4/5 days
  • drank my water
  • followed good snacking habits

And guess what!!! Today was Week 7, Session 1 on the Learn To Run program. It consists of 5 min warm up, 4 sets of 10 min run, 1 min walk and 5 min cool down. Total 54 minutes. Distance 3.03 miles (5.31 kilometres).

I am more proud of myself for running than I am for losing weight.

Don't get me wrong. I am very happy with the weight loss but I am extremely proud of my increased fitness level. This is unheard of!

Earlier this week, I pulled out my summer clothes. You know the clothes that I wore this past summer when we went to New York? Yeh, they're too big.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Horns, Mama!

Hilarious, no?
I have no idea where he learned this one. To be honest, I have no idea where he picks up 80% of the shit he does. And no, it's not Steven.

Karma, Where the Crap Was She?

You would think if you were the only one to speak up for the lady with the baby in the stroller, when the masses were pushing & shoving their way onto the bus, that the luck Gods would shine upon you and let you on said bus.

But no, after shouting out "Why don't you let the lady with the baby on the bus first?" You proceed to get pushed and shoved out of the way and when you are the next person to try and step on the bus, the driver shouts out "Stand Clear of the Doors. Wait for the next bus". And then he leaves.

People suck. I don't know why this always surprises me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday, I have:
  • lost weight
  • brought my lunch 4/5 days
  • exercised 5 days
  • drank my water, maybe too much actually

I didn't measure this week so I have no idea whether I lost any inches.

I am also trying to be a grown-up. I have been doing my hair, wearing make-up, wearing my high heels AND accessorizing! AMAZING! Look, I even curled my hair. I put rollers in my hair and slept with the rollers in a la 1975. My hair is so curly! But sadly, because my hair is so long and thick, by the end of the day my hair was straight again.

AND guess what I figured out today? My treadmill is miles not kilometres. This puts an entirely different perspective on everything. I am much further ahead than I originally thought.

Yipee for me!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Guitar Hero, John Style

He made a guitar in Music Makers class. This is definitely not what I pictured when I read the program outline. I didn't realize that he was actually making a guitar. I thought they were playing with guitars or ukuleles, or whatever. You'd think that it'd be okay because it has no strings so therefore it would be quiet.

You could think that.

But you would be wrong. Very, very wrong.

My son is a human music machine. Well, actually he's simply a noise machine but since he's holding a guitar we are allowed to call it music.

And Good God, he's even got the finger and hand positions down pat. Where did he learn this?
Next thing you know, he's going to freaking have groupies.
Where oh where is the smoke machine?

And introducing, Riley on drums.
I mean, really. Look at John. He's just picking away at his little guitar.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday, I have:
  • lost weight
  • lost inches
  • brought my lunch 5/5 days
  • exercised 5 days
  • not drank all my water during the business day. I really need to drink more water and less coffee.
It has been 7 weeks since I started "Operation Lose My Ass" aka "Preventative Measures to Avoid Being Cut of Your Own House".
  • I didn't complete my February goal but I was close.
  • I took my "skinny clothes" out for inspiration.
  • I am able to fit comfortably into my clothes again. I am also able to wear some clothes that I had to pack up at the beginning of winter. (Yippee for me!)
  • I am on Week 5, Session 3 on the Learn to Run a 10km. (42 minutes, Run 3 minutes/Walk 1 minute: 8 x)

I have also created some boundaries at work and am working on my life/work balance.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Farewell February

I was looking at John the other night and realized that his face has thinned out. He's growing so tall that his size 3 pants fit his waist but are too short and his size 4 pants skim his ankles but fall down because the waist is too big.

He's growing up so fast. I thought I'd take a stroll down memory lane.

February 2007 - This ultrasound is actually not from February but earlier.
February 2008
8 months old
February 2008
February 2009
20 months old

February 2010
He's so cool.
2 years, 8 months

February 2010

February 2011
3 years, 8 months
I called him my baby John today and he corrected me. No I'm John.

No more baby. :(