Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Business Savvy

It's probably not a good idea to tell your boss that you hate him, right? Hear me out though, I think if he's rubbing in the fact that he's in Hawaii enjoying the 29 degree weather while we're fighting to stay warm with this sudden windchill and snowstorm, then really he deserves it, doesn't he? DOESN'T HE?

I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. This time it's with the lady doctor in the office. Steven is coming with me and he'll be hearing the heartbeat for the very first time! We're also going to ask about the 3D ultrasound and see if there's any harm to The Piglet. Hopefully not because it looks like the coolest thing! Kind of expensive but I think it would be worth it.

I wore this white shirt to work today and unfortunately I've been brushing up against alot of things with the Buddha and the Boobs. My white shirt is no longer white. There are these weird red smudges on both boobs, and lower down there's this brown stuff. Oddly enough, neither is food.

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