Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

I can't believe how fast this year has blown by.

I'm sitting in my kitchen, typing on my new iPad listening to my sisters play Trouble with John and Whitey is reading the rules. That's right. My new iPad. And who gave me the new toy?

My boss.

God, I love my job. We all received iPads at work.

After much research, Steven's boss approved the acquisition of a new TV today!

I'll post some pictures later this week. I really need to get that poem sent out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Woot!  Just won Candyland.  I rock.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Elmo just beat me at Candyland.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


So it has come to my attention that I have been slacking off with my blogging. 

In Steven's words, "I've checked the blog, there's been no updates, how am I supposed to know what's going on?"

Look who was sick a couple weeks ago.
He's actually a good sick kid.  Very undemanding....unlike some other people in this house.

Helping dad build the new toy storage bin.

Yes, I am that mom.
I found out that the kids could bring treats to class.
So, I made treat bags.

You can't really tell but John signed each card.
I didn't do all the work...most of it but not all.

Halloween ring from a different treat bag.

Discovered that there's another mom in John's class.
She made treat bags and....and....THEY WERE NICER THAN MINE.

Sometimes after supper we will play a game.
Or practise letters.
Or numbers.

I bought some number flash cards.
We have so much fun.

He can count to 100.
All by himself.

Look who's finally on the bed.

One day I'm sure I'm going to open the bedroom door and Riley will be sleeping on the bed and John will be on the floor.

Seriously, I'm pretty sure he's the most gifted child on the planet.

Such a big boy.

A boy and his dog.
A boy who thought his dog may have been cold.
A boy who wrapped his dog with a blanket.