Monday, December 31, 2007

Six Months Old

Time is just flying by. Six short months ago, he looked like this:

a couple minutes old

And now he's a little, itty, bitty dude.

He's eating vegetables now. And wonders upon wonders, I'm actually making his food instead of buying it! (Tam, I know, I know! I totally used to harass you about it and now I'm doing it.) I just couldn't stomach the thought of feeding him all those preservatives and also paying the ridiculously high prices for vegetables that I can steam and puree myself. It's definitely been interesting. I mean, it's all new to us so we're actually not sure how much is too much... I mean, he seems hungry and he's eating so we're feeding him. We see the doctor on Monday for our check up so I'll ask him. Right now, he has 4 Tbsp of cereal in the morning and 2 cubes of Yam at lunch and between 4-6 Tbsp of cereal at night. This is all on top of breastfeeding. I'm even thinking that he could eat more at lunch.

Anyway, he's still almost rolling over again. It's like he's teasing us when he rolls almost all the way and then flips back down. He's done it before but it's not a regular thing for him at all. And he's sitting up with less and less support. Eek!! He still has his adult sounding farts (and smelling)... I can only imagine they will be getting worse as we introduce proteins into his diet. Bleh.

He laughs and laughs, it's one of the best sounds ever. And sticks his tongue out, not sure if he means anything by it, but he does it alot. He loves watching Riley and gets pretty upset if he walks out of the room. He also tries to touch/pet him whenever he gets the chance. Good thing the Rye guy has so much fur because those little hands are grabby and pinchy!!!

We're still having a rough time at bedtime but I keep saying "this is only a phase, it will get better. It won't last forever." Right? RIGHT??? It is better than at the beginning of December. I'm not trying any sort of sleeping plan right now because we're both still a little sick and recovering and we have shots coming up anyway so, really what's the point of trying to start something at night when it's going to be majorly disrupted in a week anyway?

I can't believe the amount of toys that he has. Well, really the amount of stuff in general that he has. It's completely taken over the living room. He has more clothes than both Steven & I combined. And I don't know what or where to store anything anymore. It's really a lost cause.

I keep thinking that he doesn't have alot of hair, but then I see old photos and realize that it is growing. Just the other day I noticed that his hair is growing a bit over his ears... it made me a little sad. We keep feeling his gums. My mom swears that teeth are coming but I don't feel anything yet... well, he does chomp down pretty hard sometimes during nursing... gah, not a pleasant feeling.

Over the past six months, I can't believe how everything has changed. Changed for the better. It's simply amazing. I wouldn't change anything... well, maybe the c-section part but other than that.. nothing. Not even the sleepless nights (past, present and future) because it makes you appreciate when he is sleeping. Or even the feeling of having a sleeping baby on you. The wonderful, lovely, powerful feeling that you were able to comfort this little tiny being. That this little tiny person loves you unconditionally and relies on you completely. You are his world and as draining as it is sometimes, it's the best. I can't begin to describe how I've changed because of him.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

And in this corner...

wearing the blue trunks and weighing in at...well, never you mind... is ME! We rented the Wii last week and I kicked ass in boxing. I knocked out both Dawna and Steven. And my arm still hurts. :(

Haven't had too much free time for posting, I'll try and write more later.

John & I are both still sick. I am still wishing for more sleep to feel better. And I am wishing for some way to make my baby feel better. It so hard to hear him all raspy and snotty, poor boy.

Christmas at my parents:

John and my sister, Cindy opening a present.

John and my sister, Cindy.

John, Riley and the "I Spy" quilt

John and my sister, Dawna

looking for Santa with Grandma

Christmas at home:

Monday, December 24, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy holiday season!
Both JT & I are sick. Cough, blah, yech. It's not a pretty sight. But like everything else, we'll survive and come out stronger (hopefully).

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Bye Gymbo!

Today was the last Gymboree class and frankly I'm a little sad. I would have continued taking the next level in the new year if the class was closer. Or at least in the same quadrant of the city. We really enjoyed class and all the different activities. I know I enjoyed it and I'm pretty sure JT liked it. He didn't cry during class.. not once. Today we did a foot stamp for a keepsake. It's the cutest thing ever. But it looks like one foot is smaller than the other. Steven disagreed and said "no, one foot is bigger than the other." Whatever, knob!

I've been on a hunt for swim stuff in anticipation of January swim classes. Rubber pants, check. Swim diapers, check. Baby speedo, check! Mwahaha. I picked up a chessy little speedo-type swimsuit for my little guy. He'll be the hippest one in class. Don't worry, I also picked up a normal suit. (and fyi, the speedo was only 75 cents).

We went to see the lights over the weekend. It's an annual thing that we do with Shawn & Marilyn. It was around this time last year that we started telling people that JT was coming. Back then, he was known as "The Bean".

Dawna arrives on Thursday and unbeknownst to her, I have all this stuff planned. Some of it fun, some not so fun. But she's a good sport and will play along or tell me off. Whichever. I'll just tell her to "suck it up, we're creating memories for Baby JT". Hah! Try and get a comeback for that one. (No, really don't worry about it. You're going to have a good time. I swear!)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Birthday Fun

I love my job. Well, I mean, my old job. Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE my current job (aka "the mommy") but last week Heather msg'd me to ask when I'd be home to accept a delivery. My work had decided that they would send me something FUN for my birthday. I've been racking my brain to imagine what in the world they could send me.

Isn't this awesome? Totally brightened my day. And there was a birthday card too. Yipee! FYI: those brown things? Chocolate covered apples... yummy!

10 Days

What is the duration an infant can go without pooping. Actually, it is more like the duration an infant can go without pooping before the parent can freak out. I found this out today when I called the public health nurse phone line. Interesting, no? I mean, what happens? Does it just build and build and then ... well explode? Apparently not. According to the nurse, the baby just uses up all the nutrients from the breastmilk and ultimately there isn't any waste product. And the amount of cereal that he's being fed, isn't a huge amount so it's not really anything. Amazing, isn't it? Ten days. Although, with the amount of farting (and the volume) that was going on (oh, and the smell) I truly thought he'd been pooping his pants.

Anyway, I'm done being worried because about an hour after I got off the phone, JT pooped.

I KNOW, I'm simply fascinating aren't I? I'm sure to be scooped up by some major publication soon and you can all say that you knew me when. (as if!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


We started rice cereal on Monday. I'm not exactly sure how much he actually ate as opposed to drooled. But he seemed to like it and there hasn't been any sort of physical reaction to it. Thankfully, his pooping has returned (or not so thankfully since Steven had to clean up another poo-nami). I wish we had taken a picture of Riley. He was lurking in the background, sniffing the air and trying to determine what this interloper was eating. And biding his time until he could sneak in closer for a taste.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

PoopWatch - Day Four

Phew, mission accomplished. I was getting worried.
Now I can hopefully this horrible, whiny, plugged up, little fart monster will return my happy, giggly, squeaky, talkative smiley baby! Although, I'm pretty sure I'll be on poop patrol this entire evening now that the flood gates are open. Blech. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be this fascinated by another person's bowel movements.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Do You Smell What I Smell?

Steven: I smell burnt toast.

big pause

Steven: You ARE making toast, aren't you?

I'm cold. So very cold. I really wish I had a laptop and could dork around on the Internet from the comfort of my bed.

John went to his first hockey game, compliments of my Boss. We got to enjoy the comfort of a box and it was wonderful. Too bad, it was the coldest day of the year and we missed the Teddy Bear goal. The noise scared John at first, but he took it all in stride and as long as someone warm was holding him, it was all good. He eventually fell asleep during the 3rd period.

Not too much else is happening here. Just trying to survive day by day. And I'm still trying to figure out where to put all my crap. This house is too small and I don't know what to do. I'm going to have to do a gigantic purge and be ruthless with all my stuff. I'm such a packrat, it's horrible.
