The Piglet is about as wide as your palm, about 6" tall, and weighs about 4 ounces - about as much as a bar of soap. She now weighs more than my placenta. She is now covered with a downy layer of lanugo, which swirls in fingerprint-like formations over her whole body. Her skin is still thin. Brown fat, a special type of fat that plays a role in body heat generation is being deposited. In the next few weeks, her eyes will begin to move beneath her fused lids in a side-to-side sweeping motion.
-excerpt from: “Great Expectations: Your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth” by Sandy Jones
My mom offered to buy us a change table, but I told her not to buy us anything, maybe wait for a bit. It's a bit weird to have baby stuff in the house so early. It's almost like tempting fate and I don't want to buy anything yet for fear of something bad happening. Slightly superstitious but I don't think I'm alone in this.
After brunch, well really it was more like a late lunch because I think it was close to 3 when we got home; we were both so tired that we took a nap. Yeh, I woke up at 630pm. Nice short nap, I can only hope that I can fall asleep tonight.
The new course is going well. Hopefully I should be able to breeze thru the modules so I can start the 3rd (much more difficult) course by beginning/mid March. It's just fairly easy that it's a bit boring and repetitive. I just need to sit my butt down and get to work.
What else has been happening here? Shall I mention the night that Steven ate my dinner? Or the car that smoked thru the intersection and smacked our neighbor's truck, which is parked in front of the house. Scared the crap out of me, the crash was so loud. Good thing the truck was there otherwise the car probably would have come up into our yard. What about the fact that other people have thought I have "the glow". Personally, I have yet to see it. All I see is sallow skin breaking out and lank hair that should probably be trimmed. AND I think that I don't look pregnant, merely fat.
Oh, here's a new thing. My feet are swelling up. Most work days, I take my shoes off part way thru the afternoon because, well I don't know why but my feet hurt a bit. And then just recently, I haven't been able to get them back on without cramming them on and being a bit painful. With all my shoe options at work (I have about 10 pairs of shoes in my office) you'd think that I'd have a slip on pair or something. Maybe I'll take my big pink fuzzy (pseudo slippers) slip ons and start wearing them.
We watched Saw 3 last night. Gory. Disgusting. Not sure how I felt about the plot, it had it's moments but they pushed the yucky parts so much that we couldn't watch, even the sound effects were puke worthy. I'm not sure but they may have set up for a Saw 4; sometimes, these movie people should just know when to stop. I mean, really.
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