Monday, February 12, 2007


Here is the list of my big plans from the weekend:

I am going to finish module 2 AND get at least 1/2 way thru module 3.
I finished module 2 and did a couple pages of module 3.
I am going to clean the bathroom.
I went to the bathroom numerous times, I’m thinking that counts.
I am going to do a couple of loads of laundry.
Done! And I folded some clothes too, still in the basket but they’re folded.
I am going to pack up some clothes in the spare room.
I looked at all the clothes in the spare room, compared them against the clothes that I can currently wear and got a bit depressed and left the room defeated.

In other news, I had another kick ass nap on Saturday similar to last weekend. I was tired around 1130am and I thought “self, where’s the harm? I’m tired, I should get some rest”. So I set my alarm for 2pm and lay in the bed. Steven called me around 2, maybe right after my alarm went off? And asked me if the power was out, apparently there was this huge power outage in the northeast but we were blissfully unaffected; although I was sleeping for most of the afternoon so I wouldn’t have known either way. Anyway, after I got off the phone with Steven, I went back to sleep… until 430pm. Sadly I’ve crossed the line between napping and sleeping, but I must be tired because I went to bed at my normal time and had to force myself to wake up in time for Church.

I’ve been kicking around the idea of giving up something for Lent. Actually I was toying with the idea of it last year but never got around to it. Now, I’m not exactly sure what I can give up; I have no real favorite things anymore since I got pregnant; I’m going to try to abstain from commercialism on Sundays (ie: not buying/shopping on Sundays) not that it’s a big problem for me but it’s a way to start. I was thinking of cheese. I’m being very specific because I can’t really give up dairy altogether right now and cheese is high in fat anyway and I probably enjoy it more than I should. I was also thinking about not buying lunch every day and instead donating the money that I would normally spend in a week.

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