Monday, February 26, 2007
Open Letter
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Week 20
Wow, 1/2 way there. It seems just like yesterday.
The Piglet is between 5 1/2 - 6 1/2" from crown to rump, and between 9-10" from head to toe. He weighs about 9 ounces (although, it's estimated that he actually weights about 1 pound... he's a porker). Over the next month, he'll gain about a pound. Right now, he is about the size of a mango. His permanent teeth are already starting to form behind his baby teeth. These permanent teeth won't be mature for several years. By this point, he can move his eyes, though not always in tandem. What were sweeping left-right motions last week are turning into eye rolls. Eyebrows have formed, and hair is beginning to form on his scalp. He's begun to produce vernix, a white creamy substance that protects his developing skin in utero. From this point on, he seems to be able to differentiate between mornings, afternoons, & nighttime and starts to become active at certain times more than others. He also has all of the neurons in his brain that he'll need.
I wonder if it's too early to go to bed. I wonder if I go to sleep now, will I sleep thru the night?
Anyway, went to the Winter Club this morning. Our company is sponsoring the Special Olympics Provincial Curling Championships and Al threw out the first rock with Tom & Ryan sweeping for him. Crystal & I took pictures. It was pretty cool. Watched curling for awhile, chatted with some other people that were watching; then we went for lunch. I think I really need to eat lighter meals, more often because I just get this overly full feeling and general discomfort after I eat. I didn't even eat my entire lunch. Drove Crystal home, swung by the office, ran some errands and dropped into get my eyebrows done. I love those girls. Oh, and the best part? I wore my company golf shirt, thank goodness for stretchy material. I felt a bit like the Incredible Hulk, like any second I would burst out of the shirt and start turning green or something. Or maybe blue like Violet from Willy Wonka. Whatever, you get the point. I should have gotten the picture taken because you could really see The Buddha. Maybe if you rub it and make a wish, it will come true! Seriously tho', don't touch my tummy unless you ask first. Don't just swoop down on me, I don't like it. Although, I did ask Liz if I could poke her belly. Just to compare, I can't believe how hard The Buddha is getting. Well, hard under my top layer of fat, it's not like anything I thought it would be.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Gimme a P! Gimme a P!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Behold the Beauty of the Old Lady Shoes
I've been kicked out of better places...
Steven: GORILLA?
Me: yes, what do you think if we named the baby gorilla?
Me: Jesus
Steven: I don’t like that one either, too much expectation with a name like Jesus
Me: ….
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Week 19
Can you believe it? 19 weeks pregnant. It's going by so fast.
The Piglet is between 5-6" long and weighs about 7 ounces, about the size of an apple. If The Piglet is a girl, early ovaries contain follicles with forming eggs. Soon, half of the genetic material for our potential future grandchildren (!) will be formed. Pictures of babies at this age show them touching their own faces, reaching for the umbilical cord, pedaling their legs, and sucking their thumbs. He may already have a preference for the left or right hand. In the brain, areas of nerve cells that serve the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing are becoming specialized and are forming more complex connections. Loud sounds as well as any feelings I may have of stress or alarm may be communicated to the baby. He responds to these stresses by becoming more active.
We went out for wings after work yesterday. Sitting there talking about random things, rather I was saying that we'll be great parents, it'll be hard but we'll survive and be okay. Then Steven laughs and says "right about now there will be this phrase underneath us saying six months later and we're disheveled, disoriented and frazzled saying well I thought we'd be okay". He's too funny.
Not much going on this Family Day long weekend. We're going (hopefully) to buy some shoes today, work boots for him and slip on dress shoes for me in a bigger size. Maybe a baby name book too. Oh, and I think we'll be going to Coco Brooks for either lunch or dinner. Apparently their pizza is to die for. Brenda & family are in town this weekend. Still hoping that there will be a trip to the Science Centre in our future. And haven't seen the Airdrie folk in a long time; I wonder how smart they are feeling.... it may be trivia time. Steven starts on night shift on Monday so I anticipate a nap over this weekend as well. (I love me some nap time!)
I was saying that I felt like a weeble-wobble this past week. My ass is getting a shelf. A SHELF. It's making me very sad. I was prepared for the front to pop out but not the back, I mean c'mon, my ass was already too big but it's getting bigger. Le sigh, whatever am I going to do? And really, if you're going to say "but you're growing another person in you, it's natural..." Just shut it right now, I don't want to hear it. It sucks to realize your ass looks huge and could be it's own little time zone.
We watched The Trail3r Park movie last night. Y'know, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. How's that for a review? I was gathering all my charitable donation receipts and trying to catch up on my current donations while I watched it so it wasn't that great because it wasn't holding my complete attention but it didn't make me want to leave the room. So I think that I'm just waiting for one more receipt and we should be able to start taxes, well at least my taxes. I think Steven's waiting for one.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Belly aka The Buddha
From the bottom up. Check out my rack! heh.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Does this baby make me look fat?
Steven & I went to the Silent Movie Monday. It was Sunrise which won all sorts of awards in 1927. It was still a good movie but last year's was better. Steven made a comment too, that he won't go with me to a normal movie but he'll always go to these ones. We went out for dinner at Ceili's beforehand, meh it was alright; will probably never be anyone's first choice for a meal. Then I took the day off yesterday and after Steven made me shovel the sidewalk... RELAX... he used the snowblower and I followed him with the shovel to clean up the edges because we're anal like that. Then we spent some time throwing Riley into the snow... good times, good times. For being a sled dog, he sure doesn't like being cold.
Went for lunch with Darrin at the White Spot. Bleh, chicken pot pie my ass. And they ran out of Caesar dressing... RAN OUT... AT LUNCHTIME. What the hell is up with that? Holy crap, I'm turning into a crank like Steven, someone slap me quickly! Then we went to Sunridge to see the chocolateur me, stay home. So.Not.Worth.It. There were 4 displays in the centre court. Pathetic. Frankly, I was tres disappointed. So we bought some bday cards and went grocery shopping. Poor Darrin, having to tag along on my errands and then Steven went off on some tangent while they were waiting for me about "how he was going to get an earful from me when we got home"..."because Darrin was there". Poor guy. He's all "but I thought she liked me". I asked Steven if he told him the truth and he just shrugged his shoulders. Darrin's probably just thinking that I'm some sort of raging bitch, well, I AM but I do like him.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Here is the list of my big plans from the weekend:
I am going to finish module 2 AND get at least 1/2 way thru module 3.
I finished module 2 and did a couple pages of module 3.
I am going to clean the bathroom.
I went to the bathroom numerous times, I’m thinking that counts.
I am going to do a couple of loads of laundry.
Done! And I folded some clothes too, still in the basket but they’re folded.
I am going to pack up some clothes in the spare room.
I looked at all the clothes in the spare room, compared them against the clothes that I can currently wear and got a bit depressed and left the room defeated.
In other news, I had another kick ass nap on Saturday similar to last weekend. I was tired around 1130am and I thought “self, where’s the harm? I’m tired, I should get some rest”. So I set my alarm for 2pm and lay in the bed. Steven called me around 2, maybe right after my alarm went off? And asked me if the power was out, apparently there was this huge power outage in the northeast but we were blissfully unaffected; although I was sleeping for most of the afternoon so I wouldn’t have known either way. Anyway, after I got off the phone with Steven, I went back to sleep… until 430pm. Sadly I’ve crossed the line between napping and sleeping, but I must be tired because I went to bed at my normal time and had to force myself to wake up in time for Church.
I’ve been kicking around the idea of giving up something for Lent. Actually I was toying with the idea of it last year but never got around to it. Now, I’m not exactly sure what I can give up; I have no real favorite things anymore since I got pregnant; I’m going to try to abstain from commercialism on Sundays (ie: not buying/shopping on Sundays) not that it’s a big problem for me but it’s a way to start. I was thinking of cheese. I’m being very specific because I can’t really give up dairy altogether right now and cheese is high in fat anyway and I probably enjoy it more than I should. I was also thinking about not buying lunch every day and instead donating the money that I would normally spend in a week.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Week 18
The Piglet is about 5 - 5 1/2 inches long from top to tail and weighs a little more than 5 ounces, about the size of a lobster tail. While in earlier weeks, he may have been able to sense sound wth his primitive ear structures, this week, the bones of the ear become fully formed along with the part of his brain that processes signals from his ears. There's no evidence that playing music, language tapes, or any other sounds to him will make him a genius, but then again, it can't hurt! Studies have suggested that babies will remember sounds that they have heard in utero and that they have a preference for known sounds. So a song I play for him now may help soothe him to sleep after he's born. There's still plenty of room in my uterus, so he can be quite active with his new muscles. He may change positions frequently, cross his legs, recline, suck his thumb, and turn somersaults. His retinas have become light sensitive, and he may be able to detect a glow if we shine a bright light at my belly. (even though his eyelids are sealed)
Not too much is going on today. It's cold, Steven took the truck to work again today not that I'm going anywhere. I have big plans today... BIG PLANS baby!
I made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies on Thursday night... also found out that if we refrigerate them they become HARD like rocks. Steven toook some to work and offered some to his co-workers. I feel so bad, apparently one of them "almost lost his teeth" when he took a bite. Oops, talk about embarrassing. (is that how you spell that? y'know, one of those words I never spell right).
Also, at the end of our weekly business meeting Jen asked me if I was wearing a belly band (a handy-dandy tube like material that allows me to wear pre-pregnancy clothes) and I replied "yes, I am! My pants are unbuttoned right now." A bit awkward, but really I've worked with most everyone for 4 years so at this point not much I say surprises them.
We've been throwing some names about... I know, I don't want to hear your suggestions. Just for the record, names we will not be using: Brenda, Linda, Dwight...really, probably not much of surprise to those involved! And really, when I say WE've been throwing the names about... I mean I've been throwing some name selections to Steven. He's really only liked one name and guess what, it's already taken so rest assured we won't be naming the baby after the dog. Although, it would make calling them very easy!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Wendy Whiner
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Thief! Thief!!!
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Week 17
After brunch, well really it was more like a late lunch because I think it was close to 3 when we got home; we were both so tired that we took a nap. Yeh, I woke up at 630pm. Nice short nap, I can only hope that I can fall asleep tonight.
The new course is going well. Hopefully I should be able to breeze thru the modules so I can start the 3rd (much more difficult) course by beginning/mid March. It's just fairly easy that it's a bit boring and repetitive. I just need to sit my butt down and get to work.
What else has been happening here? Shall I mention the night that Steven ate my dinner? Or the car that smoked thru the intersection and smacked our neighbor's truck, which is parked in front of the house. Scared the crap out of me, the crash was so loud. Good thing the truck was there otherwise the car probably would have come up into our yard. What about the fact that other people have thought I have "the glow". Personally, I have yet to see it. All I see is sallow skin breaking out and lank hair that should probably be trimmed. AND I think that I don't look pregnant, merely fat.
Oh, here's a new thing. My feet are swelling up. Most work days, I take my shoes off part way thru the afternoon because, well I don't know why but my feet hurt a bit. And then just recently, I haven't been able to get them back on without cramming them on and being a bit painful. With all my shoe options at work (I have about 10 pairs of shoes in my office) you'd think that I'd have a slip on pair or something. Maybe I'll take my big pink fuzzy (pseudo slippers) slip ons and start wearing them.
We watched Saw 3 last night. Gory. Disgusting. Not sure how I felt about the plot, it had it's moments but they pushed the yucky parts so much that we couldn't watch, even the sound effects were puke worthy. I'm not sure but they may have set up for a Saw 4; sometimes, these movie people should just know when to stop. I mean, really.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Psuedo Post
Got a nice visual now?
Yeah, so I pull a bit and nothing. I tug a bit harder and rather than coming off, the hair KEEPS COMING OUT.
Okay, HURL.
And, aside from being all grossed out. Riley is alternately between pretending that nothing is happening and giving me the death stink eye.
Finally the hair breaks off. Thank god.
Riley comes right up to my face and gives me a kiss. That’s quite unheard of, but I suppose since we shared that bond…then he takes a couple steps and goes down into a full on butt scoot on the kitchen lino.
Bastard dog.
Thankfully we all survived the trauma of the ordeal.