Saturday, January 27, 2007

Week 16

The Piglet weighs about 2.8 ounces and is about 4 1/2 inches from crown to rump - roughly the size of a small gerbil. At any time, I will begin to feel fetal movements as his bones harden, and he starts a big growth spurt. (I haven't yet) He has plenty of room: at this point he could fit in the palm of my hand. It's normal to be gaining a pound a week at this point. (great).-excerpt from: “Great Expectations: Your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth” by Sandy Jones

Let's see what's been going on... Brenda called and offered us her old crib (yipee!), she was worried about the color and that it wouldn't match but I assured her that really, none of our furniture matched so that wasn't a high priority for us. She & McKenzie were supposed to come down and go to the Science Centre but plans changed so they stayed at home. Darn. Maybe next time they plan, Steven will be off work & he can go too.

My friend Sandra called and they set the wedding date: August 18th. She was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to make it but I will have had the baby by then, mind you I'll still be as big as a house but I won't be pregnant anymore. AND it will be so close to the birth, one of the grandmas will be here and can babysit for a couple of hours.

I meant to do a whole bunch of things today but I woke up late (thank god Sandra called me!) and then couldn't really get motivated. For gosh sakes, I'm still in my pajamas. But I guess I was just tired and needed the sleep because I didn't stay up that late last night. Although I DID clean up alot of the poop in the backyard, poor Rye guy. I also cleaned the grout in the shower. Amazing stuff! I used this new cleaner and believe me, it's awesome!

Dawna had a dream that we had a boy. I still don't know if we are going to find out. Steven really wants to but I kind of don't. I mean, shouldn't some things remain a mystery and a surprise? I'm not sure if I have any thoughts one way or another. But everyone has their opinion and old wive's tale. Fairly interesting. We'll see who's right at the end of the day.

I still don't particularly look pregnant. Just fatter. And my maternity pants still fall down when I jog for the train or walk too far.

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