Monday, January 22, 2007

Easy as 1, 2, 3....

I bought the M*gic Bull3t from Jen & Casey. For the uniformed, it's not a vibrator or anything, it's a mini blender, food processor, juicer... well really, what doesn't it do? I love, love, LOVE the info-mericals. The aunt with the cigarette and long ash hanging out of her mouth. The stupid "guests" being absolutely amazed with the wonder that is the Bull3t. Anyway, here's a line from the recipe/instruction booklet: "...the Bull3t blender is just like regular blenders, without all the confusing buttons." I know, here I was thinking that very same thing. All those buttons, the chaos! What a frickin' classic line. How can you NOT love the Bull3t? Yeh, that's what we call it. I was all jazzed to make something with it tonight but I don't even have the energy to wash it. How sad. I guess the more energy thing was fleeting. Maybe work is sucking all my available energy? Because I am bone ass tired right now.
I picked up my course booklet this morning. I have high hopes for finishing early; although, I'm kind of off to a rough start. I meant to crack open the book tonight but I have such a pounding headache that I've been sitting in front of the heater counting down until I can go to bed. And not have the thudding or the chore of keeping my eyes open.
Hey Barb, Happy Be-lated Birthday. I sent your card last Friday. Hope you had a good day!
I had a call from Laurier, an old SAIT friend. I haven't heard from him in years. Probably since I lived on Tache with Tam, which is kind of ironic because she was the one who originally ran into him last fall and passed on his card to me. It was great to talk with him. He's been married for 3 years, 2 little girls; still with the same company only higher up. Good for him! We're going to try and get together at the beginning of next month for lunch or coffee. He told me that Michelle got married last year. The only days that he seemed to be free were the only days that I wasn't. AND, he's still good friends with Troy, so maybe I can get Jim's (an old high school buddy) contact info. Jim might be in Turks & Caicos now. Last time we talked he was in Florida and I think it was the year with the voting problems. It would be good to catch up with them. Sorry about that, probably only 3 people understood any of that last paragraph or even knew any of the people.

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