Saturday, December 9, 2006

Week Nine

Joy from Dr.B's office called to let me know when my appt was with Dr. S. Not until Jan 29. I don't know, should I be concerned that I'll be nearly 4 months pregnant before I see the doctor? That seems well, not quite right. I just have all these questions and general freaking out that I feel the doctor should be there for me to talk to. Then she also made an ultrasound appointment for Jan 30. I'm not sure if Steven is working or not and he doesn't have his shift for the new year yet but that is definitely an appointment that he needs to be there for. I mean, the first ultrasound, that's HUGE. I'm supposed to advise the tech before we start whether or not I want a picture (of course) and it's $10.
This pregnancy doesn't seem quite real without the multiple doctor appointments. Am I being paranoid or feeling just ignored? I don't quite know what the right thing is. Should I be content or am I not being taken care of? I asked Joy and she seemed to feel it was normal but I think Liz has been to the doctor a couple of times already.

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