So, I think we've told everyone (family & friends). I still can't reach Stacey but I sent her the blog link so, she should know soon. We'll be seeing Shawn & Marilyn tomorrow night so we'll tell them, not sure how but it's up to Steven. I had a dream that Marilyn was pregnant too, Steven told me to call and tell them and let him know how long they laughed at me. Steven called his sisters "aunt", to see how long it would take for them to catch on. He called Helen "grandma". He told Linda to call Brenda to get the news but Brenda, the bugger told Linda that "she didn't know what Steven was talking about". Heh, and she was the one that told us not to tell Linda! After talking with Bruce mutliple times, he finally called him at work this morning and told him. He wanted to tell him face-to-face but it was getting impossible to arrange anything so rather than not tell him at all, he just did the old "knocked her up" stand by.
Ed drove up this afternoon for a visit, he tried yesterday but the roads were so horrible that he turned back around Black Falls (sp?); we tried to convince him to turn off and call Brenda but he decided to drive back to Edmonton and try again today. He said there were alot of cars in the ditch.
They're out at Nolan's tonight. I dropped them off but I told them that I wasn't coming to pick them up; more than likely I'll be asleep when (or if) they come home.
I'm so tired. I just made up the spare bed, fluffed our feather bed and I'm totally short of breath, man am I ever out of shape. It's pathetic. I've been walking on the treadmill but I can't seem to catch my breath sometimes. And apparently this whole tired thing is with me for the duration, that and the stuffed up nose. Didn't know about those two things. I tell ya, those nose strips work wonders. Even the drug store generic works great. It's so much cheaper too. Sandra told me about SinusBusters, it's a homeopathic treatment that is supposed to be okay for pregnant women. (as opposed to pregnant men?) But the first couple treatments burn like hell.
I'm waiting for the feather bed cover to dry and then I'm going to bed. It's not even 9pm but I've had it today. I didn't even get nearly all my work done, I'll have to crack down Friday & Saturday if I want to get it done by Tuesday.
At least it stopped snowing.
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