Thursday, May 31, 2007

You Can Dress Him Up, But... well maybe not.

As you may know, we've been working on the nursery. All the furniture is out, the bed is wrapped up and stored downstairs, the closet organizer is dissembled (for now), we cleaned the windows and put in more spray foam behind the window trim. The walls are washed and Steven went to the store to get the paint. Yes, we've actually picked a color. Cayman Blue. With white trim. Anyway, point is... Steven was leaving the house, telling me what he was going to do and I did the whole "good bye" routine and then as he was out the door, I started shouting at him... "Steven... shoes... SHOES!!!" But I was laughing so hard. He has these slippers with rubber soles, they could pass for those suede fur lined boots. Anyway, he was leaving the house in those. He said he would have eventually realized that he had slippers on... maybe.

So, today I wrote my exam. I swear to God, I am so thankful that it's over and I don't have to worry about it. After studying last night, I took my blood pressure and good lord it was high. Higher than it's been in awhile. It's back down again tonight, finally. I think I did okay. Not as well as that first course but still good. Sadly, it's not been the main focus of my life so I wasn't as keen on it as I could have been. Good thing I chose this course and not the harder one, there's no way I would have been able to complete that course!

Tomorrow the nurse comes by and we do our non-stress fetal movement again. And I'll have to go to the lab again. Was to have gone today but what with the exam and all, it was too much for me.

Okay, back to the nursery. Steven came back and he was painting the stupid popcorn ceiling. You know ceilings that have that popcorn-like crap sprayed on? Yeh, anyway we have that. But oddly enough, the paint was just making the crap come off in chunks. So, yet another setback in our house. Steven now has to scrap the ceiling to get rid of all that shit before he can figure out if he needs to prime and then paint or tape, then prime then paint. We're never going to be finished. :( And I can't help him do anything.

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