Sunday, May 13, 2007

31 Weeks

The Piglet weighs between 2.5 - 3.5 pounds. He continues to gain weight at a faster pace than he lengthens, which will give him those cute chubby cheeks (there you go Shawn!) He's about 14-16" tall, although individual growth rates vary.
-excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy

The Piglet is busy accumulating layers of fat under his skin as I continue my pregnancy week by week. His arms, legs and body start to fill out and look less wrinkly as each week progresses. He may be finding the space in my womb tighter and tighter by now and I may also feel more and more uncomfortable The Piglet continues to grow and the space in my womb decreases each week.

Though The Piglet's movements should continue to be strong, they will likely be less dramatic and sporadic at this point. I may see an arm slowly moving across The Buddha. I will also start realizing just how strong The Piglet is from here on out. Kicks and sudden movement changes may cause me to gasp unexpectedly.

My uterus will measure about 4 and a half inches from my bellybutton. I may find that I have some trouble catching a good breath now and again. I need to remember to take things easy as I continue my pregnancy week by week and as I grow and develop during the last few weeks of pregnancy.

I may be more and more aware of your breasts (trust me, I've been aware of them all along!) as my pregnancy progresses during the third trimester. Some women may start to leak colostrum at this point in their pregnancy. Colostrum is simply the pre milk that the breasts form to nourish the newborn baby during the first few days of life. Colostrum can be clear or slightly tinged with yellow or even orange depending on a number of factors. While some women will not notice colostrum until they approach delivery, others will start leaking even this early in pregnancy.
-excerpt from:

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