what shoes am I going to wear?!?!?! It's cold, it's wet, it's yucky and I don't have any appropriate shoes to wear. blah.
Let's see what's been happening? I had a dr. appt yesterday morning. It's all good. My 2nd Glucose testing was borderline so I should watch what I eat because I am not processing sugars as well as I could be. darn. So I have a list of recommended foods and foods to avoid. Most of it are no-brainers but some of it is startling. I'm supposed to avoid fruit juices, flavored yogurts, creamed corn, granola bars (& similar). Oh well, Steven said he'd help me with what to eat. For now, I'm to have dr. appts every two weeks. And so far I've gained 26 pounds, I think that's pretty good, right?
Then I had the rest of the day off because I was running around doing work-related things. Oh joy, shopping for office furniture; kind of sucky because I got a little lost looking for Ducky's and then it started pouring. But it all turned out okay. Learned a bit too much about desks, but with my brain being as it is, I'll quickly forget what I learned! Met Michelle for lunch. Very nice, must remember to burn a CD for the wedding pictures. Must also remember to go see her house.
You know what? It totally feels like someone kicked me in the crotch. Almost like a bruised feeling. It's quite uncomfortable and seemingly has come out of nowhere. I mean it's not like there is a joint there and it's moving, I mean, as far as I know, it's one solid bone. Isn't it? But, man oh man, it's sore. That and my left hip.
I was talking to my mom yesterday afternoon:
Mom: so when I come up in May, I'm not staying until the baby's born, right?
Me: next weekend? No. At the end of June.
Mom: Then I'm staying, right?
Me: yup. Trust me, if you're here from mid-May until the baby's born, Steven will probably pack your bags and drive you home. I mean eventually he'll realize you're here.
Mom: yeh, after awhile he'll notice the house is a little cleaner and the dishes will be done all the time
Me: oh, Steven wouldn't be quite sure at first, just catching glimpses of you but he'll catch on
**so it's a running joke between Steven & my mom, that she moves so slowly that it's hard for the human eye to catch. She's done it to him a couple of times that she's gotten up from across the room, put something near him or on his lap and walked back to the other side and he's never noticed.... we call it "sloth speed". She's quite notorious for it. I'm not exactly sure how he misses it all the time. **
Crystal (from work) ordered CRAVE cupcakes. They will be delivered to our office sometime tomorrow. I'm VERY excited. I realize that above, I've mentioned the "watching what I eat" but c'mon they're CRAVE cupcakes."
I've decided on what I'm doing with my maternity leave and work hours. I'll fill you in more when I've made the "official" announcement at work. It will hopefully cut down on my tears, tiredness and worrying about forgetting something or f'ing up something important.
Last night we had our "New Baby, Old Pet" class at the Humane Society. First off, anyone who has ever driven with me knows that I have difficulties reading a map. I need to study it at home first to familiarize myself with it and while driving, must turn the page so the streets are in the same direction as I'm driving. Anyhoo, the new Humane Society is down on 110 Ave SE. I thought I had the directions under control, and I did up until we hit 110 Ave. We turned the wrong way. Good thing the street ended after a couple of blocks because I also neglected to write the address or the phone number on my map. We turned around and finally found it. It was a really good class. Rye is well on his way, the only issues we may encounter is the whining/vocalizing that he does and the pulling on the leash. But we can work on those. The educator also didn't have a problem with pets in the bedroom as long as they were on their designated spot and not on the bed. She also suggested that we use a doll wrapped in the blanket (which is washed in baby stuff and has the baby powder etc.. on it) as a teaching tool now to familiarize Rye to the smells and different scenarios. Steven will not have a doll in the house so I said "what, am I supposed to use a bag of sugar with an onion as a head?" (and then this afternoon, I was telling Kelly (from work) and she said "no, not an onion, a canteloupe") (cough-bitch-cough) (apparently I'm not the only one who thinks my head is large, it's totally all the brain cells making it so large!) Anyway, I said that Marilyn probably has a doll all ready to go for us and he did not like that idea, so we'll be using a stuffed animal.
The night prior we had our 2nd Baby class. Steven was supposed to be an hour late because he was working until 7pm but he was able to clock out at 6pm instead. It was a good class. We got to see the birthing video, kind of shocking. We got to practise breathing and contractions. We got to practise different birthing positions and dads massaged and did their support role. Apparently now you are allowed to have 2 support people in the birthing room (only 2 and no others) and they are restricting visitors. Hospital stays are 24 hours with baby in room with me. Only grandparents and siblings (of the baby) are allowed to visit. I'm not sure if I will have a 2nd support person. It's definitely something to think about, to give Steven a break but I'd have to be comfortable enough with them seeing EVERYTHING. And then we'd also have to have someone look after Rye while we're gone. He's not too keen on just anybody coming into the house. We'll have to sit down and talk about it all.
1 comment:
Lori, you misunderstood my 'head' comment. I wasn't saying you had a big head therefore your baby will. I was refering to what it feels like when giving birth! Onion? Hahahahaha, more like a cantaloupe!!!! hahahahaha......
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