Monday, March 12, 2007

Baby, It's Cold Outside...

DST, it was so dark this morning on my way to the train station, sucks, at least it was fairly warm but on the way home, brrrr, it's cold. And it's starting to snow. Blah.

Last night was horrible. The wind was blowing and was so loud I kept waking up, between that and The Piglet moving and not being able to get or stay comfortable, I don't think I managed to get much more than 3 hours of sleep. Good thing I had a kick ass nap earlier on Sunday. I love napping, it feels like such an indulgence.

So, I'm still able to wear my wedding ring but I think I may have to remove it soon. I told Steven as much and do you know his response? "Keep it on, the skin will just grow over it." Nice, huh?
I really need to get some more pants that I can wear to work. I wore these pre-pregnancy green pants with the Belly Band but frankly, I found it a little tight and sort of uncomfortable. Especially having to sit in front of the computer for most of the day. It felt binding and man, it was more difficult to get out of the chair. Weird. Maybe we'll go to the mall this upcoming weekend.
I'm still trying to convince Steven to go to the movies. He really wants to see "300" and that looks perfect for the big screen as opposed to waiting for the DVD. This is big, I mean we've only gone to the movies together.... twice? I'm trying hard but we'll see, it may not be worth it to exert this much energy on going to a movie that I'm all meh about.

Well, I guess it's about time to introduce The Piglet.

I have this huge (11x17, I think) sheet with 9 pictures on it. I originally tried to get them scanned or printed or something but I couldn't find anyone to do it. But Liz's friend had a wonderful idea. She had the same dilemna and she put the pictures against the window and took digital pictures of them. Thank you so much Liz's friend!!!

Holy crap, holy crap. I have a person growing inside of me. INSIDE OF ME. Our son. It's still so surreal.

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