Saturday, March 31, 2007

Week 25 - The Third Trimester!

The Piglet weighs about 1 1/4 pounds and is a little more than 11" long, about the size of a small bag of sugar. In the last third of the pregnancy, he'll double or triple his weight. The Piglet is a dexterous baby who can touch and hold his feet & make a fist. I may be able to hear his heartbeat with a simple stethoscope. Steven may be able to hear it by pressing his ear against my belly. The Piglet has a regular sleep schedule now and active and inactive periods. I may or may not be able to discern when these periods are. His nostrils, which have been plugged, open up.
Welcome to the third trimester. I'm 2/3 of the way there, I'm really in the homestretch now. While reaching the third trimester feels like great progress, with it comes a return to fatigue (great!), dizziness & constant trips to the bathroom. My belly can't be disguised. My uterous is the size of a soccer ball & my ribs, diaphragm and stomach are being compressed. This compression forces acid back up into my esophagus, which can give me heartburn & make me feel full after eating only a little food.
- excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy
We went to our first class this morning. "Early Pregnancy". I don't think I really learned anything new, it would have been great to take this in my first trimester; I was by far the most pregnant lady in the class. It did drive home the fact that I should really get my ass in gear and start exercising again. I stated as much to Steven on the car ride home; and I barely got the sentence out of my mouth when he said "well, yeah." So I shot back that he could have phrased it differently, like he was supporting me as opposed to pointing out that I'm fat and should be exercising. He then said, no, he was merely agreeing with what Sheila the instructor said. I told him he should maybe not agree that fast with stuff like this. Bastard.
He said the only thing that he really learned was that we had to go to the 3rd floor at the hospital and that there were a whole lot of ugly people breeding and they were in our class. What can you do besides just shake your head?
This is funny, when we got to the Hospital, it wasn't in the main building so we parked, and the pay station was out of order so I had to scurry across the street to another one to get a ticket. Then (and mind you we're following directions) we go in the front doors, go up the elevator to the 2nd floor and try and find the correct room. It was weird, it was all exam rooms and what not but there wasn't another soul in sight. All the doors were open. Then we backtracked to the elevators and met up with another pregnant lady and she was in our class too. We wandered around for a couple of minutes and then discovered that we should have turned LEFT when we got in the front doors and gone over to the North Tower. So we get in the elevator and we talking about how weird it is that the building seems deserted and I remark that it's just like the beginning of a horror movie; and she (the other lady) shouldn't have walked off alone, that was a sure sign of being the first to go. So then Steven says no, it's always the black person and since in our situation there wasn't a black person, I would be the first to get killed because I was the minority. (thanks, dear) I thought it was funny; she probably thought that we were insane and about to kill her. We're so weird sometimes.
Yesterday after I got home from work, we were discussing what to eat for dinner. I was really tired so I didn't want to go out but Steven thought that we were going to Red Lobster for Lobsterfest. I laid down and was feeling The Pig move about when suddenly there was this distinct poking or dragging sensation underneath the skin. The coolest thing ever! Suddenly not so tired but very excited. It happened a couple more times while I was laying down. I honestly don't know if these were kicks, pokes or elbowing but it is definitely different from the normal movements. I came downstairs after 10 minutes and we went out for dinner. The Pig continued to move throughout the evening. Let me tell you about Red Lobster... the best thing? Probably the canned music that they played! All from our generation growing up, it was frickin' awesome. I was really disappointed in the lobster, I never knew that lobster tails could be so small; it was way smaller than the palm of my hand. Crab legs are a pain in the ass, so much work for so little meat. The shrimp was good tho' and Steven was funny. We got the bill and it was relatively low, very surprising until he remembered that he only had a soft drink so that was why it was so low!
Did you know that Home Depot is open until 10pm? That's right. We had to go there to replace a light dome on our ceiling fan because someone broke it with a golf club the other day. Someone was in the living room practising their chip shot when they broke it. Oh well, it could have been worse.
We're off to the Roughnecks game tonight. Shawn & Russ are picking us up. Should be a fun night. I better go tidy up the living room.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Can You Hear Me Now?

So, regarding The Piglet's development, I was telling Steven that when I was driving the other day and I was singing, The Piglet started to move around alot. And, of course I took that to mean that yes, indeed he knew it was me. However, Steven, took an entire different slant to the situation; he feels that yes The Piglet does know my voice, he (The Pig) was actually kicking and flailing his tiny arms in rage to tell me to "SHUT UP!" "STOP SINGING!" Which could very well be the answer. I prefer mine.
Also, in keeping with talking to The Piglet; Steven has started yelling at The Buddha from across the room. Not so much telling stories but having a mini conversation. It's quite funny and touching in it's own weird Steven-type way.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Meet The Cankles

Sexy, no?

And here's my swollen hand with my stand-in wedding ring. Although, perhaps I should have gotten one like Michelle's!

I slept in AGAIN this morning. I can't believe I'm sleeping so late, it's like I'm a teenager again. I hate sleeping this late, it makes me feel like I've missed most of the day. Not that I'm doing anything terribly important; I missed Church again, I brought work home, I need to finish another module in my course and of course laundry and dishes. I can't wait to get a dishwasher. I've got another headache too. It's not looking too productive for my brain power today.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Week 24

The Piglet weighs a little over a pound and is about 8 1/2" long - the size of a banana. His skin becomes less translucent as pigment is deposited, and it looks wrinkly because his body is making his skin more quickly than it makes the fat to pad underneath it. His unique foot & hand prints are forming. I may feel jumps as he has bouts of hiccups. In fact, it may seem like he is in perpetual motion. Some babies now kick in response to sounds & touch from outside the womb.
-excerpt from: “Great Expectations: Your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth” by Sandy Jones

I'm sitting here pantless (again, because it's much more comfortable plus I just woke up), trying to remember what's happened in the past week. I'm also running out of time because I need to get ready for the bridal shower and it takes so long to do my hair properly; plus I need to look up the directions.

Last Saturday we did go to the infamous muffin place, unfortunately Steven's dreams were dashed because they no longer carried the apple cinnamon muffins that he craved. It's amazing what changes in 10+ years! So we had brunch instead because it turned into a little restaurant. Then over to the Mall to hit The Gap (which upset me but I will not get into), Old Navy and Thyme.

Old Navy - It's like they're trying to run an amusement park. "Look everyone! Look how FUN we are over at Old Navy! Fun! Fun! FUN!" They had an okay selection, nothing particularly work appropriate. I bought a pair of casual pants, a tank top, and 2 summer tops. Oh my gosh, most of their pants were the low-rise ones. I'm sorry, I didn't wear them before I got pregnant, I'm certainly NOT wearing them afterwards. The pants had the belly panel in the front and then were 1/2 way down my ass. I am obviously not their target market!

Thyme - Loved it. Similar to Motherhood up by me. Much more work appropriate and more age appropriate for me. More expensive but really, at this point, I just want to wear something nice. Got 2 pairs of work pants, and 2 tops. Very happy.

Thanks Mom!

Then over to Pat's to have cake. Holy smokes, the cake probably could have fed 100 people. Derek, her son, works at the Carriage House and he helped make it. It was so good but incredibly funny since it was so big!

And then, rush rush rush back home so we could meet Shawn & Marilyn at The Keg for 6pm. Y'know, their food isn't that great considering their service is incredibly slow. I don't know why we go back there. Then over to Sunridge for a movie. A MOVIE! I'm so happy that Steven wanted to go. We saw Wild Hogs. I laughed & laughed. It was a perfect night. I wish we could do it more often. Although, I AM amazed that I wasn't overly tired when we drove home; I didn't even take a nap!

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not able to take another course after I finish the one I'm currently registered in. I had no idea that just being pregnant would be so utterly draining. And this was the easier of the two courses! Originally I wanted to take both at once, I'm pretty sure that would have sent me to the crazy house! Now I'm wondering if I'll be able to take a course while I'm at home with the baby....maybe not. GAH! How do other people do it? They work all day at a more physically demanding job (maybe cashier standing all day) and then they are also students while they are pregnant. They are definitely super women.

And speaking of standing, I am so not looking forward to it. My ankles, ah screw it, my entire body is bloated and the skin is stretching and I feel all funny. Anybody know how to alleviate this? I wonder if I'll be able to fit into my shoes? I want to wear my wedding ring to the shower, none of those girls have seen it. I wonder if I get it on, will I be able to get it off?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Jersey Girl

What is the name of a movie NOT recommended to watch if you're pregnant. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you.... did you know that the character Gertie dies in childbirth within the first oh, 20 minutes? SHE DIES. I just stopped crying. And Steven's working nights and he called and is all worried because I was sobbing so hard when I answered the phone. SHE DIES. I thought it would be a good movie, I like Ben Affleck, I like Liv Tyler. I knew he was a widow with a young daughter in New Jersey, what I obviously didn't know was how he was a widow. Suffice it to say, I'm no longer watching that movie. Now I'm watching Everybody Loves Raymond, I'm doing some laundry and then going to bed.

Riley Appleseed

Crystal (a co-worker) was nice enough to invite Steven over to play golf on the simulator in her building. Oh My Gosh, was he ever excited. I'm pretty sure that he's trying to scheme a way to move in with her, God help her! Anyway, when we came home Thursday night, we found the huge bag of apples (the ones from Costco) on the floor. The plastic torn apart and a couple of apples scattered with teeth marks in them. The floor was sticky and Riley's kitchen pillow was wet and goobery. I'm not even sure how many apples he ate, more than 3; I don't even know how many were in the bag... I think it may be closer to 5 or 6 apples that he ate. Well, maybe we'll get some apple trees in the backyard. And then Steven woke me up last night/this morning at 4am to tell me that he was picturing Riley eating the apple goodness and what possibly was going thru Riley's head as he was eating the forbidden fruit. At least I'm not cleaning up exploding apple poop, I'm quite thankful for that!

I had the day off today. We went out for breakfast & ran some errands. Got a "stand-in" wedding ring. Had to put the Hearts of Fire ring in a safe place before the skin started growing over it. Just bought an inexpensive faux silver band. Good enough for a couple of months. But mark today on your calendar! Today is the day that my ankles officially disappeared and blended in with my calves. I was walking out of the jewellery store and looked down; told Steven to look at my ankles and he quips "Where are they?". They are so freaking swollen that it's scary. I heard about swelling and I thought that I was experiencing it before but man oh man, that was nothin'. My skin feels all funny from the swelling, like a balloon stretching thin or something. I feel like Violet Beauregarde except I'm not turning blue. (a Willy Wonka reference, in case you were wondering) When we got home around lunch time, Steven went back to bed (he's on nights) and I read my comic books (!) and then I fell asleep on the living room floor for about an hour. That's probably why my arm hurts so much right now.

Speaking of comic books, we have a bunch to give to McKenzie the next time that you're in town.

Steven suggested Regis and/or Rudy for names to me this morning. I asked him if he was serious and he yelled at me (like Regis yells) "What, what's wrong with Regis" It was funny, maybe you had to be there. I absolutely loathe Regis. I also hate the movie Rudy. (Steven loves the movie and loves watching Regis and Kelly). I think Rudy is a big ass whiner. He thinks Regis Rudy is a perfect name. Hahaha. We'll see.

Tomorrow is Michelle's bridal shower. I'm so excited to see everyone, I can't wait. Too bad I look like a bloated cow but what are ya going to do? It'll be so much fun.

Steven's car was at the mechanics again, Sunday and we picked it up on Thursday afternoon. Taking the bus sucks sometimes. I don't mind the train that much, but somehow the bus just pisses me off more. Twice now, I've asked for a seat because no-one stood up. Yesterday I stood in front of these 3 mid-20's girls on the train on the way home and they were completely oblivious until I was getting off and I heard them say "she's pregnant". Good, I hope they felt bad and it makes them more aware next time. I could have asked but I just didn't feel up to being a bitch about it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I've Got the Freakin' Button

God must be telling me something. Another button popped off when I went to the bank this afternoon.

Button, Button, Who's Got The Button?

Well, it's official. I'm a fat ass.
I sat down on the bus this morning and a button on my coat popped off. This makes me sad. Very sad, indeed.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Week 23

The Piglet weighs in at about a pound (according to the book), and at 8" long. He is starting to look like a baby! You can compare his size to a box of sugar or a bag of coffee beans. His skin is filling out as the first layers of fat are deposited and his muscles grow. During the next month, his weight may almost double.

-excerpt from: “Great Expectations: Your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth” by Sandy Jones

The Piglet has been moving around alot more lately. Last night I couldn't sleep so, I lay in bed feeling him roll, kick and jump around. My shoulder, upper back and upper arm are absolutely killing me; combination of working on the computer and laying on my side to sleep, sometimes it feels like my arm is going to fall off.

I'm not going to lie to you. It's been a rough week; I'm not sure why but I'm completely drained and it's wiping me out. I know you all come here to laugh and be updated about us & The Pig, so I won't get into it all. Just know that I'm hanging on.

I'm up & about, Steven's drinking his coffee, it looks really nice outside and I think that we'll be going out for muffins soon. Down on Macleod Trail, near where Steven used to live. Then (cross your fingers!) we'll be going to the mall to look for some pants for me. I'm getting quite tired of wearing the same 2 pairs to work, and I don't find the belly band that comfortable for long periods so I'm not going to wear my pre-pregnancy pants anymore. Pat (Happy Birthday!!!) invited us for coffee & cake this afternoon, but I guess it will all depend on how I feel when that time rolls around since we're already going out with Shawn & Marilyn for dinner and hopefully, a movie or some music afterward. It will be a late night for me and I'm not sure if I'll need a nap or not. Once again, we forgot to make Pat her birthday card. Between her & my sister, Cindy, they make the most kick-ass cards. Whatever happened to my creativity?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Pants

Okay, it has come to my attention that some of you have been disparaging The Pants. I do realize that sordid visions do come to mind when you hear that they only cost one dollar (maybe I shall call them the Loonie Pants), but really beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Anyway, they're not that bad. Simple, tan capri (well, maybe a bit shorter than capri) pants. Behold... the Loonie Pants.

See, they're not that bad. Plain, a tad ill-fitting but c'mon they were ONE DOLLAR. See the elastic thingy at the top right? Yup, totally figured out that system, pretty darn proud of myself.


Another Steven-ism for you:
Food for thought? No thanks, I'm full.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Baby, It's Cold Outside...

DST, it was so dark this morning on my way to the train station, sucks, at least it was fairly warm but on the way home, brrrr, it's cold. And it's starting to snow. Blah.

Last night was horrible. The wind was blowing and was so loud I kept waking up, between that and The Piglet moving and not being able to get or stay comfortable, I don't think I managed to get much more than 3 hours of sleep. Good thing I had a kick ass nap earlier on Sunday. I love napping, it feels like such an indulgence.

So, I'm still able to wear my wedding ring but I think I may have to remove it soon. I told Steven as much and do you know his response? "Keep it on, the skin will just grow over it." Nice, huh?
I really need to get some more pants that I can wear to work. I wore these pre-pregnancy green pants with the Belly Band but frankly, I found it a little tight and sort of uncomfortable. Especially having to sit in front of the computer for most of the day. It felt binding and man, it was more difficult to get out of the chair. Weird. Maybe we'll go to the mall this upcoming weekend.
I'm still trying to convince Steven to go to the movies. He really wants to see "300" and that looks perfect for the big screen as opposed to waiting for the DVD. This is big, I mean we've only gone to the movies together.... twice? I'm trying hard but we'll see, it may not be worth it to exert this much energy on going to a movie that I'm all meh about.

Well, I guess it's about time to introduce The Piglet.

I have this huge (11x17, I think) sheet with 9 pictures on it. I originally tried to get them scanned or printed or something but I couldn't find anyone to do it. But Liz's friend had a wonderful idea. She had the same dilemna and she put the pictures against the window and took digital pictures of them. Thank you so much Liz's friend!!!

Holy crap, holy crap. I have a person growing inside of me. INSIDE OF ME. Our son. It's still so surreal.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Daylight Savings Time

Finally! The clock in the kitchen has the correct time again. Yeh, like I'm the only one who neglects to change some clocks... as if. I know of at least one other person.

Happy Birthday Bill.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week 22

The Piglet is about 7 1/2" from crown to rump & weighs between 13-16 ounces; about the size of a grapefruit. The Piglet is entering his 5th month of existence. His fingernails are almost fully grown, and his organ systems are becoming more functional & specialized. He has a distinct pair of lips, ad his first canines and molars are developing from hard tissue below his gum line. He looks like a miniature newborn. Blood is travelling through the umbilical cord at four miles an hour, fueling his growth with oxygen & nutrients.
- excerpt from: Great expectations : your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth by Jones, Sandy

I went to a 7th Day Adventist church service today (side note: I'm not of that faith), then I ran some errands. I had to exchange work boots for Steven at Deerfoot Mall and I was talking to the store manager:
Manager: When's the big day?
Me: What are you talking about?
Manager: stuttering "umm, well, never mind"
Me: maniacal laughter.."hahahaha. July 16"
I'm so funny!!!

Speaking of, my due date is actually July 15 not the 16th like I've been spouting off but I figure really, it's only an estimate anyway so I'm off by a day.
And I also went shopping for pants, fyi: being short & pregnant kind of sucks. Petite maternity pants are few and far between! Anyway, the 3 racks of mat clothes at Wal-Mart had much to be desired. I'm huge, like I really want THAT many designs on my shirt. What the hell is up with all the strings to tie into a big bow, am I six years old? And I just figured out the elastic in the waistband. Did you know on some of the maternity pants, there's this hidden elastic band with buttonholes on the inside of the waistband. You can pull the elastic out to fasten the button and make the waist smaller or bigger. Yeh, I just realized that this afternoon. But that's not the best part... I bought a pair of tan capris for one dollar. ONE DOLLAR. HAH, try and beat that one Kelly!

Friday, March 9, 2007

A Little of This & A Little of That

Barefoot, Pregnant and in the Kitchen...for those that were wondering.

It's been so nice outside lately, it's supposed to be in the mid-teens this weekend. I should probably plan something outdoors but I'm really looking forward to napping, so I guess we'll see. I came home from work tonight and with this beautiful weather, well the ice in the backyard has been melting...welcome to the Poop-a-thon. Yup, cleaned up some poop. Jealous? I actually have to wait until the weather gets a bit nicer because there are some... umm, shall we say embedded poops still struggling to hang on.

Yesterday after we picked up Steven's car from the mechanic, I was driving the truck and was adjusting the rearview mirror (because Steven had been driving) and it came off in my hand. Do you realize how weird it is to drive without one? Steven took it to the dealership and they said they couldn't put it back. COULDN'T PUT THE REARVIEW MIRROR BACK ONTO THE WINDSHIELD OF A VEHICLE THAT THEY REPRESENT. F**kers. Nissan. Anyway, today I called GlassMasters. They were cheerful, joking and very pleasant. Come on down after work, shouldn't take more than 5 minutes... and what? Oh, no charge for that at all. We've used them before for a rock chip and they squeezed us in on a Saturday. Use them, they're awesome.
The Piglet has been moving up a storm. More than flutters now. It's nice. (I say that now!) But sometimes I lay my hand and I can feel him move around. Sometimes I lay there and poke my stomach and he moves a bit... I'm probably pissing him off. I can't wait until Steven can feel it.
So, I was talking with Barb today and she asked for some pictures. We took these last night.

Steven thinks that we should draw eyes and a nose on my stomach because the belly button kind of looks like a mouth.

I like how you can kind of see the tips of my toes peeking out from below.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Overheard in Our House

I got up from the couch and walked past Steven.
Steven: Where are you going?
Me: The Kitchen.
Steven: Take off your socks.
Me: What?
Steven: Take off your socks.
Me: What? Oh, hahahaha.
Get it?

Week 21

He weighs about 10 1/2 ounces (according to the books) and his length from head to rump is 7", about the length of a spoon. 10 1/2 ounces is also the size of bear cubs when they are born. The Piglet has begun his main project for the rest of the pregnancy, putting on weight. He regularly drinks amniotic fluid for hydration & nutrition, urinates in the fluid, and breathes it in & out. Fortunately the fluid pool is constantly changing and refreshing itself every 3 hours. His eyebrows & eyelids are fully developed. Taste buds are forming on his tongue. His eyelids are still sealed, but his eyes are active.

-excerpt from: “Great Expectations: Your all-in-one resource for pregnancy & childbirth” by Sandy Jones

So Dr. Steven has decided that I need to drink more milk and eat nuts; he feels that hopefully by doing so, The Piglet won't be allergic to them. Cross your fingers! Peanut butter has been making me sick, so I've been eating nuts...bleh, not my favorite thing to eat. But thankfully the dairy is okay. For those that don't know, I am lactose intolerant; dairy & I have not really ever gotten along. But since I've been pregnant, I find that I can drink a couple of glasses of milk and not bloat or have the other consequences and let me tell you that is BIG! A glass of milk used to knock me down. If have ice cream or cheesecake or cream based sauces, I have the lactaid tablets, a lifesaver!!!

I went shopping this morning. My goals? To buy a new purse, more pj pants and maybe some casual work/play clothes. What did I get? 2 pairs of pj pants, a cardigan and a dress. I bought the dress because I have 3 weddings to attend. One is mid-April for Michelle & Brian (this is why I was originally looking for the casual clothes), one is Aug 18 for Sandra & Carson and one is Aug 25 for Nolan & Leanne. I'm assuming that post-baby, I'll still be fairly large so, the dress will be a perfect fit, plus it's just so darn cute. I can also wear it to work when it gets nicer out. Frankly, it makes me feel pretty and right now, not alot actually does.

You know, I really need those extra pj pants. I'm sitting here pant-less right now, yup, is your mind burning with that awful visual now? Good. I've been doing that alot lately. It's just more comfortable. I only have 2 pairs of pj pants that still fit and when they get dirty, well, I don't have anymore....until today. Hopefully they fit, they're not maternity pants but they are XL so I think they should fit.

I wonder how much bigger my stomach will get.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Things that go BUMP in the night... and day

Apparently, I have been feeling The Piglet move; I just wasn't aware of what that felt like. I was waiting for pokes and kicks and such; but it's more butterfly-like and more subtle. It's amazing. I was sitting there one day at work and I felt this ...bloop... behind & around the belly button. Sort of like a flutter, sort of like a bubble rising. And now since I'm more aware of it, I feel it more. Today, Kelly (from work) was talking to me and just as she was leaving my office there was this larger...bloop... almost like a flip. I can't wait for Steven to feel it too.
We have this back massager.. and no it's not a "MASSAGER" but this thing that fits over a chair and you sit on it and it will vibrate and have heat on different parts of the body. Like the legs or butt or lower back, mid back, upper back and neck. So, anyway, after Steven was using it the other day I thought I would since I'm sort of sore. It was nice, I never used the heat only the vibrating massager part. A couple of days ago, Steven decided that I shouldn't use this massager anymore because, "we don't want his brain to be all shaken up and have him come out stupid". He's too funny.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Ah, yes... happy anniversary to us. Happy 6 month anniversary to us. What's that I wonder... the 1st Anniversary is paper so maybe the 6 month is kleenex? Maybe toilet paper? Anyway, for those of you playing along at home:
Marriage = 6 months
Pregnancy = 20 weeks = approx. 5 months
I'm just saying...let those figures sink in...the rest of you talk amongst yourselves....
And, we're back.
Jebediah Vegas. Think on that one for awhile, trust me the name will grow on you and your opinions, yeh, don't really want to hear them so much.
So, I went to the burger place, y'know the one.. has the burgers that rhyme with Rig Back. Anyway, scored 2 hockey sticks for someone. They're duplicates but apparently that's okay. Unbelievable, they were the last 2 sticks. Did not realize that promo was so popular. But right about now, I'm remembering why we don't frequent this establishment, bleh. Really, the only good thing about that food is for hangovers. It is definitely not sitting well in The Buddha tonight. I might try one of the places downtown to see if they may have some stock from previous weeks, we'll see how energetic we get this weekend. Oh and Steven thinks that since you are now a member of the working people, that you will be paying for the sticks PLUS a finders fee! He's kidding, sort of.
Y'know, I thought my hair was supposed to be getting more luxurious, my skin would be glowing and my nails would be super strong. So.Not.Happening. My nails are breaking. My hair is a disaster (although, on the plus side, I found a replacement shampoo and conditioner. Off the top of my head, I can't remember the brand name but they have the most annoying commercials. You know, the ones with the voice over and the effeminate guy is yelling "hey girlfriend" and there are different colored dots for different hair types. C'mon, You KNOW the one. Oh, you'll know it when you see it) anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, and my skin? Holy hannah. I've got this massive zit on my temple. It's like a freaking 3rd eye. Steven has given it a persona and a voice. F-ing bastard, that he is. When am I going to glow? WHEN????