I went to Dr. B today and I'm pregnant.
Let me backtrack.
I took a home pregnancy test on Monday November 13th. It was positive. I shed a few tears but really, I took the test not thinking that I'd actually be pregnant. I was in shock. Steven was sleeping (was on night shift) so I couldn't go jump on him & tell him. AND I couldn't call anyone because 1) I didn't want to tell and 2) Steven should be the first one to know. I did call the doctor's office to make an appointment to confirm.
After he woke up (around 5pm) and AFTER he had his coffee (I'm not that cruel) I told him. I'm not sure if he said anything for a couple of minutes.
I took another test when I woke up on Tuesday morning. Still positive.
I don't even know how I made it thru yesterday at work without exploding the news out.
Alright, which leads up to today. My appointment was for 1150am. I had to lie and say I was going for an early lunch. (then I had to lie to Kelly & Liz again to say that the service was so slow that I didn't get lunch to explain why I had to eat when I came back) Anyway, I thought that I would see Dr. B and he would examine me and send me off for some tests and then I'd have to book another appointment (more lies) to confirm. I was wrong. I checked in with the desk, they sent me to pee in a cup, I came back with my pee cup and was sitting in the exam room. Dr. B comes in and says "congratulations" "are you happy"? "you were trying, right?" And I tell him that I'm not sure if I'm happy yet because I don't know positively and are those tests accurate... and then he tells me "well, three tests are positive." THREE? Yup, apparently they do a test there. I cried. And my mind was going a million miles a minute. He asked me if I calculated my due date. Ummm, no. How in the world do you do that? JULY 16, 2007. I'm about 5 weeks pregnant right now. Well, technically 3 or so from conception.
oh my gosh. oh my gosh. oh my gosh.
We're going to be parents.
I'm so scared.
I'm not sure how I made it thru work this afternoon. I can't even tell you what I did.
Speaking of work, Liz announced that she was pregnant last week. She's due June 29, 2007. I'm pretty sure Al's head is going to explode when I tell him. We (the girls) went out for a celebratory lunch on Tuesday. Had to do some fast talking about why I didn't have a drink. I really don't know what I'm going to do about the Christmas Party. Al's already said that he's going to watch to see if and when I'm drinking. I'm going to have to do some pretty fast talking or get "sick" and be on "medication" that prohibits me from alcohol. I hate lying.
I "chatted" with Tamara today. Killed me not to tell her. I can't wait to tell her.
I came home from work and told Steven. I think he's a bit freaked out. No, I KNOW he's freaked out. But he's happy, I know he is.
I'm just hoping & praying that everything goes well for us.
oh yeah, Dr. B won't be my ob-gyn. I guess he stopped doing deliveries in the early '90s. Darn it. And you can pick which hospital. Of course I picked Peter Lougheed.
I better get to my homework.
I can't wait to tell people. I guess no-one will know until the middle of January. I'm pretty sure they'll try & guess at work tho'.
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