I’m so tired this morning. Walking from my truck to the train. Walking from the train to the office. Exhausting.
And I was so cold this morning too.
I’m wearing this old burgundy dress shirt (that I have from when I was fatter), and I’m not even tucking it in. It’s not that I can’t, it’s just more comfortable.
I really wish that I was able to lose this weight before I got pregnant. But what will be, will be.
I looked up the pregnancy calendar. If you input the first day of your last menstrual period, it automatically calculates all these handy dandy dates.
Conception: October 22, 2006
1st Heartbeat: November 18, 2006
Holy shit, that was Saturday. First heartbeat.
I’m on week 6.
My 12th week is December 30th; so I guess I’ll let work know when I come back from xmas holidays. And since Dawna’s coming, we’re going to Lethbridge, I suppose we’ll let everyone know then.
I talked to Dawna last night. It took all my power to not tell her. I think this is the first time I’ve talked to her since I found out. It was a weird disjointed conversation because I was concentrating so hard on NOT telling her.
I really want to tell Liz too, so we can share this time. But it’s just not right. Not yet.
I feel like throwing up. I was so hungry on my way to work. Ate my oatmeal, am drinking peppermint tea and willing myself not to puke. And I’m still exhausted. I’m inputting these numbers on the spreadsheet and the scrolling is making me dizzy.
Thursday November 23, 2006
I am so cold.
Yesterday it was –21. We went to Darrin’s last night to go over some house stuff while he’s gone and I wore my long big puffy purple coat. Steven (& Darrin) laughed at me. But man, I was freezing. I even curled up under my jacket while we were at Darrin’s.
Joy from Dr. B’s office called me yesterday. She wanted me to pickup some forms because I need to get some bloodwork done before seeing Dr. S, she couldn’t fax them or email them so since Steven had an appt. with Dr. B for some unrelated things but I had asked him to pick up the forms. Anyway, Joy & Steven were chit chatting and I think she said something like did Lori tell her boss that she was pregnant? And Steven said “Lori’s pregnant? What?” And on & on, totally playing her. He kept it up for a couple minutes. I’m not sure if she whacked him but if she didn’t, she should have. Poor Joy. Although, it was pretty funny.
So instead of lying, I just stated that I needed to go to the lab this afternoon. And left it at that. Normally I would try & do it over a lunch hour but today I have a massage at lunch and I was going to work thru lunch tomorrow because I need to leave early to volunteer with Inn From the Cold at the Church. I suppose, if anyone asks I’ll just say it’s because of this reoccurring throat problem. Technically my throat is still bothering me. And that will fit in quite nicel with my whole “can’t drink because I’m on medication” story at the Christmas party. And then I’ll have to concoct a “must do accounting, so can’t drink” story for the lunch on Dec 14th that Al’s taking us out to.
Today it snowed. The roads weren’t too bad. I slid a bit but I think on the way home, it might be bad. I’ll just go slow. It’s warmer today compared to yesterday. But I have my heater on and my sweater on and I’m still cold.
so I went to the lab to get some bloodwork done this afternoon. Drat my wimpy shy veins. They poked me with the needle in my right arm and then she moved it around a bit. Then she went to get some help. The new lady used a butterfly and poked my left arm and moved it around, started getting some blood and then it stopped. Then she decided to try the top of my left hand with the butterfly. Poke, move & wiggle… success! Slow but steady, 3 vials of blood. By the end I was all sweaty and clammy. I hate getting blood taken because it’s always such an ordeal about finding a good vein.
Friday November 24, 2006
The bruise on my left arm is even worse today.
I told Kelly, my massage person, yesterday that I was pregnant. It just came out when she was putting the heating thing (it’s not a pad, I’m not sure what it is) anyway,. When she was putting it on my abdomen. I suppose I just could have said that I didn’t want it there. Whatever.
I was feeling my stomach area last night and I think it feels different. I mean it doesn’t just feel like fat. Or I could have just been bloated from the milk. One of the two.
Threw up again this morning. This time it was in the alley behind the garage. Lovely.
I wasn’t over tired or exhausted yesterday either. Quite a nice change.
I told Kelly, my massage person, yesterday that I was pregnant. It just came out when she was putting the heating thing (it’s not a pad, I’m not sure what it is) anyway,. When she was putting it on my abdomen. I suppose I just could have said that I didn’t want it there. Whatever.
I was feeling my stomach area last night and I think it feels different. I mean it doesn’t just feel like fat. Or I could have just been bloated from the milk. One of the two.
Threw up again this morning. This time it was in the alley behind the garage. Lovely.
I wasn’t over tired or exhausted yesterday either. Quite a nice change.
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