I was going to try & sleep in today but I can't, I guess I'm done sleeping. I need to take Steven's car in to get the tire fixed. I hate driving his car so I'm going at 8am, hopefully they are open. He drove my truck to work.
Yesterday I left work early so I could volunteer at the Church with Inn from the Cold. I helped set up, prepare & serve dinner. Not much to do with preparation, it was mostly done. Sort of depressing when the people came, at least this time there weren't any younger children but still there were some teenagers and it makes you wonder. It's different when it smacks you right in the face, there goes I but for the grace of God. I think that I'll help with the set-up, and cleaning and laundry but I don't think that I'll do the dinner again. There wasn't much that I could help with. Maybe because there were too many of us.
It's uber cold this weekend. Supposed to be -27. WTF? I wish I could start a fire.
This pregnancy doesn't seem real yet.
I asked Steven last night if he wanted to find out "what kind of baby it was"... so he asked me if I had a black one so I said it my most horrible accent... "I would like an East Indian baby, please." We're such dorks.
I wonder when Dr. S's office will call me to come in. I wonder what will happen. I wonder when we have an ultrasound.
I got some more books. Right now I'm reading Mother of All Pregnancy Books and while it's good and has more Canadian content, I don't like it as much as the first one.
Oh yeah, and I asked Liz and her due date is June 22, 2007, so she's 3 & a bit weeks ahead of me. I know Al's head is going to explode.
We're still thinking that Steven will stay home with the baby. We'll see, there's also the alternative that I work part-time work/part-time home. I just don't know what we can do yet. We do know that we're going to split up the parental leave. The first part of I'll be by myself, then we'll do together and then he'll be on his own.
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