Dinner last night was great. We met Pat & Oliver at Ouzo and as always they are highly entertaining. We ordered many appetizers and then split two entrees and two desserts. Side note to them: it wasn't the sausage roll that put me over the edge, it was a combination of eating different foods and all the different smells. My taste buds are definitely different. One minute it is tasting okay and then not so much. But the smells. Oh my gosh. We went to the Ironwood in Inglewood (actually we went to A Bar Named Sue first but it was at capacity and got turned away) and the smells were killing me and making me even more sick to my stomach. I could smell vomit, I could smell the food at a couple of tables away... it was awful. I might have to find my smelly lip balms to compensate.
Here's the kicker to entire night. After bitching to Steven about how nauseous I was feeling and how sensitive I was to smells, we came home and as soon as we opened the back door, we were hit with this...this... STINK. Out of the ordinary Riley stink. So I let him out and we went to investigate. Steven calls me from the upstairs bathroom..."oh my god, come here. You have to see this". Riley had some exploding diahhrea. On the plus side, it was in the bathroom on the tiles but it was everywhere on the floor. blech. Yeah, and guess who had to clean it up. A minute or so of retching and I was washing the floor and then bleaching the floor. Bastard.
I asked Liz how far along she was and she's 9 weeks as of yesterday.
I can't imagine telling anyone at work yet. Although, I'm pretty sure I may be "outed" at the Christmas party. I'm going to have to remember to start playing sick on the Tuesday/Wednesday prior.
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