Monday, September 19, 2011

First Day of Playschool

First day of playschool!  First day!

Okay, so I registered John for playschool waaayyyy back in May.  Remember that day that I stood in line for something like 4 hours?  Yeh, that day.  Well, actually, I registered John for school last year but they have this rule that the kids need to be fully toilet trained.  I had to withdraw John before the semester even started last fall so we were super excited this year.

John has been asking about school ever since we returned from summer holidays.  And every day we've had to tell him "not yet, you've got to wait".

And finally, we started!

Yesterday, we packed his knapsack with extra clothes, planned his snack, had him practise opening and closing his lunch box, set his alarm clock and relaxed.

This morning, I heard John wake up and run to the bathroom.  Then I heard him play with the coins on his shelf.  I'm pretty sure that he was standing in front of his alarm clock waiting for the alarm.  He's so funny.  Then his alarm went off and John came running into my room with his hands over his ears.  Sadly, I hit the buzzer mode not the Mater sounds mode.  Oops.

John usually helps me make coffee in the morning.  Last night I prepared the coffee so I'd have more time this morning.  I suppose that was probably not a good idea.  Do I know why?  See the next two pictures.

This is his mad face.

Here's his sad, disappointed face.
Trust me, you don't want to see this face.
This face breaks your heart.

Getting ready to go. 

Can you even believe how fast he's growing up. 
I'm going to blink and he's going to be in grade 1. 
Then middle school .  Then high school.
OH MY GOD!!!!! 

Such a poser.

A boy and his dog.
(a boy who probably smells like food and definitely has treats in his pocket)

Rainy day.
School, rainboots and umbrella.
A perfect John day.

I know, can you believe it took this long to take a picture of me & John?
I am probably more excited about school than John.

I'm not sure about how Steven feels.
I'm thinking sad because he didn't want to talk about it.

Seriously, if I had to stop and think about it this morning, I probably would have cried.

We dropped him off and went for breakfast.  As we were driving away, it was a bit of a let-down.  I'm not sure, almost anti-climactic.  And very, very sad.  I'm so happy that he's growing up and he's going to be making friends and learning everything.  But at the same time, he's growing up.  He's not my baby.

Oh, haha.  Speaking of baby.  John spilled his drink 3 times today.  THREE times.  So I threatened him with a revert back to sippy cups if he didn't start paying more attention. (did I mention that one of those drinks was a glass of milk, some of which dumped into my purse?  and did I mention that when I brought my cell phone out later that it was covered in milk)  Anyway, when I told him about the sippy cups he yelled at me, "I NO BABY"  "I NO NEED SIPPY CUPS".

He had a good day at school.  He's a helper.  He helped the other kids at bathroom break.  He helps the teacher.  He played with other kids.  He has a little friend that he knows from last class.  Noah.  "Noah no share"  "Noah no play nice".  So Steven was talking with him and it turns out he played with Noah because he knows Noah.  He didn't play alot with the other kids because he didn't know their names.  We're encouraging him to play with other kids.

Steven was coaching him about introducing himself to other kids.  "hello, my name is John, what's your name".  And then he tells John to shake their hand.  I told Steven that was kind of weird.  I'm not sure if he believes me.  Not the intro part, that's not weird.  I mean the shaking hands part.  I think that's a bit weird.  I don't want John to be that weird, odd kid in class.

Tonight at bedtime, I was telling him about playing with other kids. 
John: there's girls there too
John: I play with the girls too
John: I will have a girlfriend.  I will have 3 girlfriends.
John: hahaha.  that's alot.

He's funny.

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