Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beach Bonfire

One of the things on Steven's "must-do" list was to have a beach bonfire.  So we planned.  We scoped out the beach for the most appropriate bonfire spot.  Although, it's the same beach that he had partied at when he was younger so there was not so much scoping as there was reminiscing about drunken bonfires of days gone by.

We planned for Friday.  Yes, Friday we'd invite people out and have a great bonfire.

And then it rained.  Bastard.  MY PLANNING!!!!

So we had it on another night.  John & I went to scope out the beach and claim our spot while Steven went to pick up wood from Winston and a nephew from Mary's.

Instead of parking and bringing the wood down, he pulled off to the side of the road and threw the wood over the edge.  Efficient.

This was such a great vacation.  Great memories for all of us. 
The weather was perfect.  The company was perfect.  The fire was perfect.  It was an amazing night.

John & cousin A.

Number One Cousin.
How cool is this?
I wish I would have had my camcorder.  It was absolutely incredible to watch.

This is my favorite picture.

Number One cousin teaching cousin E.

More beach enertainment.

How cute are they?  I just want to grab them and hug-squeeze them.  They were so funny together, neither wanted to give up the chair so they crammed themselves in together.

Then John decided that he was tired.

And A didn't want John to be lonely so she curled up too.  I could just scoop her up and take her home.  Absolutely adorable.  Big eyes, big curls, such a charmer.

Seriously, don't you just want to take her home?


Putting the fire out.
John, what a guy.

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