Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday, I have:
  • not eaten well, I think I bought my lunch all 5 days :(
  • only exercised 3 times
  • been sick for 4 days
  • lost weight
  • lost inches
And because I was sick, I had to backtrack on the running. I was wiped this past weekend. So instead of continuing to run 10 minute cycles, I had to step back to 4 minutes. But better than quitting altogether, right?

I also tried out The Biggest Loser workouts. (Thanks Kel!) The sculpt was good. The cardio was good. So now I need to get a DVD set up in the basement. I NEED ONE. I really liked these workouts and it adds a good mix to my routine.

Man. my weight loss is really slow. I mean, it's continually dropping but it's like tortoise slow, y'know. And I know, blah blah blah taking it off slowly is good blah blah blah didn't gain it all at once and blah blah blah I'll have a better chance at maintaining a reasonable lifestyle change. Thank goodness I can really see the change in the my clothes otherwise I'd be really discouraged by now.

I think I even saw my cheekbones tonight. Holy shit!

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