Thursday, March 24, 2011

Maytag Repairman

So this is my little laundry area in the basement. Sadly, this is the cleanest part of the basement.


My washing machine broke last week. I don't know the technical terms but in a nutshell, the spin part of the cycle was no longer spinning. AND as a result, I had to hand wring a load of laundry. By myself. On a Sunday night. Very cold and sore, sore hands. Not to say that Steven was sitting on his ass. Well, actually he was sitting on his ass but he was being productive while sitting on his ass. He was going online to research how to fix the problem.
Monday afternoon: Isn't he the cutest little guy ever? Don't you just want to wrap him in a big hug?

And before you freak out, this is only the washing machine shell. See the actual washing machine in the background? There should be a handle on the side and that creepy music where the clown pops up.

The actual fixin' part of the job.
Of course, you must dress like a pirate.

I'm not sure why there's no "ass-crack" picture. I mean, c'mon!

Thankfully my washing machine is fixed. Phew.

Thank you to my Mr. Fix-It guys.

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