It's been a busy week. On Sunday I woke up in plenty of time for Church. Thank Daylight Saving Time for that one. Steven was even awake. He decided that if he was coming with us then we would go to Murdo's Church, not mine. As soon as we walked in, he spotted us and introduced us around and then I could see Marie across the room the minute that she spotted us, she kept an eye on JT. She made a beeline for us. It was great seeing them. I wish I would have gotten a good picture of Murdo and the baby, I mean really it's a direct line to GOD but we didn't. Maybe next time. Then we went to visit Deb & family for the rest of the afternoon.
On Monday we had our monthly playdate with the online mommy's group. There were alot of people this time, still apprehensive but everyone is super nice and all the babies are lovely. JT got to try the Jolly Jumper and at first he was afraid, (he was petrified, thinking how he could never live without you by his side...) (alright, if you didn't get that then you don't know your song lyrics at all) anyway, he just stood there, well actually he just hung there suspended in mid air. His little feet not touching the ground at all. And then we adjusted the chain and his tiny feet touched ground. He stood. And then he stood some more. Then slowly his right leg would move. And then his right leg kicked out and he spun around and bounced. It was the cutest thing ever. I wish that I had taken my camera. (note to self: start packing the camera in the diaper bag. Must document babyhood)
Tuesday was our regular Gymboree day. Same old stuff except that afterwards I stopped by so Linda could meet JT. She has christened him "peapod". I think she has names for all the nieces and nephews.And then Wednesday was vaccination day. He got the same 3 as last time and I'm not exactly sure how it happened but I also got a vaccination. The TD one. Sucks. So the health nurse was definitely old fashioned. First off, I felt like completely inadequate when she lectured us on putting the baby to sleep. We were doing it all wrong. And it wasn't about survival but we needed to establish the bedtime routine now if we didn't want to screw it up. She also extolled the virtue of home cooking. Of roasting chicken and beef. Now granted I WAS staring at her blankly so I guess she took that to mean I didn't know how to cook and she expanded her lecture. Instead, the blank look was supposed to convey that I didn't care what she was saying. She was enthralled about telling me how to roast a chicken and pour off the juice, throw that in the fridge and cool off the layer of fat. And then, AND THEN take the chicken carcass and simmer it to ... wait for it... make soup. Now cut the vegetables... blah, blah, blah. Seriously I wanted to cut her. Oh, and of course when she makes potatoes she also saves that water in the fridge and uses that. Really, I wanted to slap her. I guess she took my silence as ignorance. But the absolute best part? Was when she started in on Steven about eating breakfast.
Steven: I don't have time for breakfastCrazy Health Nurse: of course there's time. (Then she shoots me a look)CHN: don't you wake up with him?Me: What, are you nuts?CHN: What time does baby wake up?Me: On a good day, 9am.CHN: Oh, when my husband was working (I think with horses), he'd get up at 4am. I'd get up to eat breakfast with him and then go back to bed.Then she started in on the virtue of oatmeal, and not the instant kind. She told us how to make it and of course to add milk and brown sugar. I should have told her to fuck off instead of listening politely and the appointment would have gone alot quicker. Don't you think she should be a bit more concerned about the welfare of baby and mother than the fact that I choose to SLEEP instead of waking up at 5am to make my husband breakfast? Don't you think I have alot of other fucking stuff to worry about? Like making sure I get breakfast or have time for making and/or eating lunch? No, she worries about the fact that Steven's not getting breakfast. What, is he crippled? Can he not do it himself? I should have bitch slapped her. But, no I'm definitely not bitter about her.
Like last time, he fell asleep in the truck and was fairly good until we got home and then he cried and cried. And screamed and screamed. And then he fell asleep and he'd have this little pitiful cries during sleep. Poor boy. It's heartbreaking to hear him cry like that. The next day started well, he seemed to be in good spirits but as the day wore on he was less and less happy. We went to visit Linda and Dawn in the afternoon and he was not a happy camper. I think Linda has a complex now. He screamed and cried and whimpered. On the way home, we stopped at the 2nd hand store and bought some clothes and a Jolly Jumper. Last night, he was still pretty fussy and cranky. He perked up a bit when I stripped off his clothes and he cuddled in his blanket in just his diaper. But then he was awake crying from 230am - 4am this morning. And then awake for the day at 745am. I'm pretty tired right now. He's down for his nap, which has become sort of routine.