Monday, December 17, 2007

10 Days

What is the duration an infant can go without pooping. Actually, it is more like the duration an infant can go without pooping before the parent can freak out. I found this out today when I called the public health nurse phone line. Interesting, no? I mean, what happens? Does it just build and build and then ... well explode? Apparently not. According to the nurse, the baby just uses up all the nutrients from the breastmilk and ultimately there isn't any waste product. And the amount of cereal that he's being fed, isn't a huge amount so it's not really anything. Amazing, isn't it? Ten days. Although, with the amount of farting (and the volume) that was going on (oh, and the smell) I truly thought he'd been pooping his pants.

Anyway, I'm done being worried because about an hour after I got off the phone, JT pooped.

I KNOW, I'm simply fascinating aren't I? I'm sure to be scooped up by some major publication soon and you can all say that you knew me when. (as if!)

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