Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What a Difference A Year Makes

This is me a year ago. Man, what a change. Although, I am still scared out of my wits from time to time; I wouldn't change anything. Everything that has happened has shaped me, it has created our baby... sure who wouldn't want a perfect outcome but to what result? Would it change who JT is? I re-read my paper journal all the time and instantly I am transported right back to that time, sometimes even that mindset I had when I wrote the words. And it's amazing how everything has changed and at the same time how little has changed.

I was going to take a picture of "and this is me now". But as always (at this time of day) I am unshowered and a bit fuzzy around the edges still. And thank the Lord, you can't smell me because I.AM.RIPE. I don't deny it, I'm not proud of it but really, what are ya gonna do?

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