Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Four Months Old

Here's the obligatory phrase... "I can't believe how fast the days are slipping by..." My baby is four months old. He's much more of a little person. He laughs more. He talks more. When he cries it's usually not random but a demand for something specific.. fresh diaper, the oncoming farts, milk, his mommy. He's still drooling alot but lately he's been doing the "raspberry". Y'know how you roll or ruffle your lips together? Yeh, except add about a cup of saliva and you'll get the idea. And he's sucking on his hand, he sticks his tongue out and in goes his fist. He'll be a friggin hit at parties when he's older. (Hey, guys... I bet you I can stick my entire fist in my mouth). His flat head is slightly better. His rash-type condition on his scalp is 100 times better but he still gets the redness and flakiness on his cheeks. It seems to be caused by his spit and his tears. Lovely, I know. But we have our 4mth check up on Friday so I'll ask Dr. B about it. His hair is not growing in that fast, but he does still have hair. And the forehead hair? Yeh, that's disappearing thank goodness. He still doesn't really like going to bed earlier than 11pm but we keep trying to put him down. The past couple days he's been napping for about an hour, in addition to falling asleep in the truck or on our walks. I'm trying to establish some sort of routine but it's been difficult. We'll get through it and get something that works for us. JT is amazing. He's wonderful. He's adorable. And he's my baby boy.

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