Thursday, January 31, 2008

Seven Months!

Where has the time gone? I blink and the entire day has passed. I pause and an entire month is gone. It's getting closer and closer to when I have to return to work and I'm dreading every passing second. It makes me very sad to realize that I will be leaving my darling little man every weekday and I won't be returning to him until the day is almost done. Will he miss me? Will he cry? Le sigh.

John is amazing. He's talking up a storm and it's hilarious. He has the intonations and everything. You just know that he's trying to tell you this absolutely riveting story. If only YOU could understand him! And he's flapping his arms alot. He does it when he's happy, when he's mad... anytime. He also does this head bob thing that we've dubbed "The Stevie Wonder". You get the idea. He's completely mobile. Remember when I was wondering if the rolling over was a fluke? Well, he's definitely got the hang of it and he's pretty darn fast. One second he's on his blanket and the next second he's across the room, covered in dust and dog hair and trying to grab something. Who needs a broom now!!! He loves Riley. He laughs and smiles when Riley walks by. And heaven forbid if Rye gets within grabbing distance... he loves to touch and grab his fur. And if Riley pokes his nose into John's face, the giggles! John grabs. He reaches out and those tiny little hands have a death grip. He knows just when to grab my hair and then yank. Or my glasses. Or the skin on my neck. Little pinchy fingers! And then sometimes he just sits there and stares at his hand in amazement. "Dude, LOOK at my hand. LOOK at these fingers..." It's pretty funny. Who needs TV when you have a baby!

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