Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Downside to Diaper Changing... among other things.

While changing a diaper.

Steven: he pooped
Steven: he's pooping
Steven: COME LOOK, he's still pooping..Right.Now.
Steven: OH NO, now he's peeing too.

All the while I'm laughing in the background. And then he handed John off to me so I could change his sleeper and John spit up on me. I guess you all know who's in charge here at our house.

And after this next story you can guess who the smartest one in our house is:

This morning around 650am, I heard Riley get up. I heard him walk around our bedroom (he sleeps by the closet) and then I heard him walk out of the room. THEN I heard him walk into the baby's room and he shook and jangled his collar (many tags) and THEN he scratched which created even more noise. Riley aka Mr. Jingle Jangle woke up the baby, which he knew would get me out of bed and as I walked out he bounded down the stairs so I could let him outside to pee. Yup, I guess he was tired of being told to "go back to bed". Darn dog, he's a smarty pants.

Jeannie, here's a smiling picture... just for you!

The trouble brothers...

and Light Fingers Louie

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