We stopped at this restaurant.
John doesn't like peas very much. We're still trying to get him to eat them. He's okay with green beans, yams, squash & carrots. He's got the best facial expressions. I'm just waiting for those tiny little fingers to flip me the bird.
Monday was a very busy day for us. In the morning we had our first storytime at the library. It was awesome. There were songs and stories. And we stayed and talked with another the other moms afterwards; it was great! We also had a playdate at 1230pm with our mommies group but I cancelled since I thought it might be too much. Because he also had his 6month vaccinations on Monday afternoon and it was 4 needles. Like last time, he cried out when he got the shots but then he was okay...until later that evening. Around 7pm he decided that under no circumstances was he to be put down. He had to be held and cuddled. So we did. Steven had to work the next morning so I did most of the holding & cuddling. He would doze off and then wake up crying and screaming. Poor Riley, at one point I went into the baby's room to try lay John in his crib and found Riley curled up in the corner on some blankets. (in the corner of the room not the crib. Could you imagine? He' totally break the crib) Eventually I opened the sofa bed and John & I slept there. Me surrounded by all the pillows and John sleeping on my chest. It amazes me that I'm able to sleep in that position. Although, he cried out almost hourly. Needless to say I did not get much sleep on Monday night.
On Tuesday, he was still a bit cranky and out of sorts but I was able to coax him to nap with me on the sofa bed for almost 2 hours in the late morning (thank goodness). Then in the late afternoon we had our first swim "lesson". I was so excited. A little hesitant since John was still cranky and clingy but he seemed to like it. We sang and played in the water. It's 3 levels combined so there's us (being the youngest) and the oldest is a little over 2 years old. But there's only 6 in the class and only 3 showed up last night. I only wish the class was earlier in the day. It's from 5-5:30pm; I've been slowly pushing his eating/sleeping time back so we can attend this class.
And on the sleeping front. It's looking good. Very good indeed. (not counting Monday night) We still have him fall asleep with us. (or rather on one of us). And then we have a heating pad to warm up the crib. Then we lay him down on the warmed up sheets and leave him to sleep. He cries out between 11pm - 1230am a couple of times but they're not loud and in only a couple of minutes he'll settle himself back to sleep. Then he'll usually sleep until about 630am; this time much louder and for longer, so I'll go in and nurse him and he'll go back to sleep until around 830am. And then it's time to start the day. Although, this morning I brought him back to bed with me at 8am and he nursed and we fell asleep again until 1040am. This is probably why I'm still awake right now. My body isn't used to having so much sleep. (oh yeah, did I mention that we remove the heating pad before laying him down? Because I know some of you out there probably think that we're idiots.)
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