At the airport. Tried to get a plane in the background but it didn't work.
We decided to get a hotel since neither of us had gotten any sleep on the flight and John was sick and very cranky. Next time I'm not going to listen to Steven and I'm going to pre-book a hotel so I can get a cheaper rate.
I tried to feed John but he was coughing so much that he ended up throwing up almost everything. So at this point, he really hadn't eaten anything for more than 24 hours. We tried to go swimming at the indoor pool, but unfortunately it wasn't heated. Holy crap was it cold. So we sat in the hot tub for a bit. Then back in the room, John fell asleep again. It was the most difficult night ever. He cried and coughed. He would only sleep if I held him and only for short durations. The longest night. I alternated walking him, rocking him, holding him on my chest while laying and holding him while sitting in a chair. Again, I got NO sleep.
As soon as it was light, I took his temperature and discovered it was 102. Eep. Feel like a bad mother, much? So we bundled up (have I mentioned how f***** cold it was?) got directions and drove to the Children's hospital. On a side note, I'm absolutely amazed that we found it considering how bad the map was.

I am a little sad that I didn't get any butt crack in this picture. But aren't these the most saddest yet adorable pictures ever? It makes me sad that they have to make gowns this tiny. We were grateful for the amazing staff. We were in & out in under 2 hours, they gave us free parking and calmed me (us) down. John had a cold. A bad cold. And the start of an ear infection. Since he still had wet diapers, they weren't too concerned that he wasn't eating but only breastfeeding. They recommended pedialyte and motrin. We also got a prescription for antibiotics for his ears but with the strict instructions to do 2 days of rest, motrin and pedialyte first. And only if he wasn't getting better then to get the prescription filled. As far as hospital visits go, it was incredible considering what we're used to here in our emergency rooms!
We returned to our hotel to pack up & check out. Instead of sightseeing the south shore, it was time to head to Grandma D for a bit of home comfort. And of course, we got lost. (One funny thing, about a block from the hotel there was this "bing" and the message "tailgate is open" popped up on the dash. At the next red light, I hopped out of the SUV and ran to shut the back. Could you imagine driving on the highway and suddenly the stroller and all our luggage flying out?) So after a visit to the drugstore to stock up and a visit to cousin James to prank him, we hit the road. You saw the travelling pictures in the previous post. I sat in the back with John since he was so sick. At the causeway, we did the obligatory pull over and took pictures.
I took this picture over John from the back window.
Meeting Grandma for the first time. Note what is on her lap! She didn't expect us until the following evening!
Thanks Grandma for the metal pot and spoon! (hopefully he forgets since all he gets at home is plastic containers!) And that's Bruce's old highchair. We had to use a belt to secure him.
Poor boy is so sick and doped on motrin, he fell asleep on the floor. He never does this at home.
While John & I stayed at home to rest, Steven went to explore.
Here's John doing thumbs up for Aunt Jeanine. (I tried to get it on "film" but kept missing) He took quite a shine to Jeanine.
Behind Grandma's house. (Steven's grandma)
Yes, that's me. I still don't believe that I hit the bottle twice.
John and cousin Walter. Such an adorable picture.
To be continued...
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