Monday, October 29, 2007

Denied and Declined

Well, don't I feel like the biggest loser. I just tried to join a new mommies group in my part of the city and I was denied. DENIED.
"Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to accept your membership request. Thanks and good luck!"

What the fuck? There are only 6 members, what in the world is wrong with me?

This afternoon I had an appointment at my bank to open the Education Account for JT. I'm just so mad at my bank right now. First off, the first branch never returned my call, the second branch took 2 days to return my call, it took about a week to get the actual appointment and to top it all off they called this morning and cancelled the appointment and took the liberty of rebooking me tomorrow. (I have Gymboree, can't make it) I'm so angry. I think that I have a good portfolio for someone my age and I don't like to be treated in this manner. I don't want to name the bank but it begins with a "T" and ends with a "D". Heh. I'm seriously considering moving all my stuff over to Steven's bank. I eventually made an appointment with them for Friday.

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