I'll try and update as much as possible right now. JT is much more, well awake, lately so free time is pretty rare lately.
I can't really recall the last time I updated so if I repeat myself, tough luck. We've actually been fairly busy; I've been much more busy and much more social since having a baby than prior. I don't want to ... neglect is the wrong word... maybe deny him any opportunity to try things, see things or meet people. Also, I need to force myself out of the house sometimes otherwise we'd just sit around in our pj's talking to each other and that's probably not a good thing all the time.
Okay, JT & I went for lunch with my friend Michelle and she finally got to admire JT. I'm glad she works by me otherwise I'd never see her. Although, Gail lives up in the next community and we never see each other!
JT had another dr. appointment because I was a little concerned with a developing flat spot on the back of his head and also little swollen bumps at the base of his skull. I had called Health Link and they recommended that I see my own doctor to rule out anything serious. So we have to be "vigilant" about moving the position of his head and increase tummy time to relieve the pressure on the back of his head. I can't really tell if it's worse or not. I'm just all paranoid that I didn't notice it sooner and he'll forever have this flat spot. :( And as far as the little bumps go, he says they are lymph nodes and most likely are swollen because of his cradle cap so we got a prescription for a cream to help with that. (and it totally works!) Now, if only it would go away on his cheeks. The doctor also said that he may be starting teething because of the drool, the thrashing of the head etc... We thought that he may be kind of young but we just don't know (with almost everything else that we just don't know!) He has been super cranky lately and overly drooly and he wasn't sleeping well and wanted to be held and crying alot and not pooping as much. I guess we'll see.
JT & I also met up with Lori (Kaitlin) and Jeny (Avaani), two moms from my pre-natal class at the mall. It was so nice to be out of the house, talking with adults and being normal. I can't even begin to tell you how great it is to talk to other moms, especially with kids around the same age. And other first-time moms. You can commiserate. You can relate. You can not feel like a jackass for "not knowing" everything. Because they totally understand and they are most likely going thru the exact same thing.
And my friend Jennifer came by for a visit. I admire her so much. She's such a strong, intelligent young woman. It's like I could live through her. She has so much potential for anything that she chooses to do. Ah, to be young again! She's also so much more mature than her chronological age... actually I can't really recall how old she is. Perhaps 25? Maybe 24? Whatever. She has so much drive that it's tiring. She makes me wonder at what I could have accomplished if I had really tried at school. Wow, I'm going on & on like she's paying me or something! Anyway, I'm glad that we're friends. And I'm glad that she came over.
We went to cousin Evan's 3rd birthday. Holy lots of kids. And I might add, I LOVE their new house. So nice! It was funny, Tracey was holding JT and Evan did NOT like sharing his mummy. And JT fussed when Bruce held him, poor guy's getting a complex thinking that his nephew doesn't like him. As if. I think perhaps, he sort of looks like Steven that JT may be momentarily shaken when he realizes it's not his dad but someone else holding him!
JT's been laughing and talking more & more. Steven can make him laugh much more than I can, I have my moments but time with dad is definitely more fun. (darn)
JT & I went to a sign language seminar downtown (hello, $24 parking lot charge). I got to meet a bunch of other moms and learn about sign language. While JT is kind of young, it's something to think about in the new year. And since I was DT anyway and had paid for parking, I went to my office to have lunch. Al (my boss) was finally in so he got to meet JT. It was nice. Although, slightly difficult to try and maneouver my way to my building which, btw is not accessible. And then it was raining when I left, so I had to figure out how to get back to the parking lot without walking outside, we got pretty close.
Steven, JT & I went to see some friends who have a restaurant in a nearby town. Good food. Nice drive. Good visit.
Right now, JT's sleeping in this baby sling that Dawna got for me. At first he hated the contraption and still when he first goes in he cries but this is actually the first time that he's fallen asleep in it! I can actually do stuff! Maybe I'll go get the mail. Hopefully I'll have a jacket big enough to cover us both since it is raining out. Or maybe I won't push my luck and I'll just be thankful that he's sleeping and stay inside. If only he napped earlier and then I could have napped too. I hate to move him in case he wakes up. Oh what to do, what to do....
I was a bit disappointed this past Saturday. I was supposed to go to Gail's candle party but JT had other plans. As I said earlier that he's been really fussy and cranky and crying alot. Well, Friday night I didn't get alot of sleep but Saturday started nicely but as it progressed he got fussier and fussier. And I got more and more frustrated and more and more tired. So around 2pm, I realized that it wasn't getting better and I hadn't showered so I called and cancelled. It would have been nice to sit down and visit with everyone. Crap.
On Monday, we met up with Lori (Kaitlin), Jeanine (Charlie) and Shannon (Alex) (moms from prenatal) and we had coffee and then went to see a movie. Feast of Love. The movie was, meh, but I'm just glad to get out of the house and have a bit of adult conversation.
Then on Tuesday, we had Gymboree. I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm still not sure about the class but JT seemed to enjoy it. There was alot of singing. And they had games specifically designed to promote visual and auditory senses. Pretty cool. And at the end there was a group talk for the moms. Nice, touch. I just wish it wasn't so far away. It's about a 30 minute drive.
There's this salsa & babies class that looks interesting too. But the intro class is way at the south side of the city and the nearest class is close to the Gymboree place. Gah! Why isn't anything close to me?
I'm kind of excited for this weekend. Tomorrow night we're going to Jeanine's house. There should be about 5 couples & babies there. It'll be the first time that husband's see some of the other babies. I just regret that we all can't be there but it's so difficult with so many people and their different schedules. We've already tried once before to plan something. And then Sat/Sun we're going to see my parents. I'll steal JT and take him to visit Tamara and her family for a bit and then before my mom comes and hunts me down, I'll return JT to her and Steven & I will hopefully go out for dinner.