Turkey stuffing....yummmmm. We had to take a break during gift opening because I had to start making dinner.

Pliers, gift openers, same thing.

Thank you phone calls. I know it's painful to talk on the phone with a 3 year but he enjoys talking on the phone and we enjoy seeing him being polite and grateful for the presents received. Can you see that his little legs are crossed at the ankles?

Helping Riley open his gifts. (which btw, I'm pretty sure gave Riley the poops)

John's "big gift" was the
Vtech Reader, I originally was thinking about a kids laptop but after looking at some, we decided that the reader was better. There are games and reading exercises. I'm not sure how much he understands but he has fun with it.

Christmas dinner.

Riley. The things we do to him.

Then after John went to bed, we played Wii.
ski jump

Bird Game (One of my personal faves)

Seeing how happy she is, this must be the hula hoop.

not sure, ski jump?

Obviously the slalom.

Bird game? Can't be ski jump since I'm still upright.


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