Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More of The Story

I've been racking my brain trying to remember exactly what happened... but I just can't. I simply don't know parts of it.
Anyway, after the epidural it was all over for me. Sure I got to rest but my labour didn't progress as swiftly (or all) as they had liked. I never got more than 4-5 cm dilated and the Baby didn't move positions. I had been in labour for more than 14 hours when Dr. S came to check on me and told me that I was going to have to have a c-section. At this point Steven had gone home to shower, change and get something to eat. So I called him to tell him to come back because they were going to prep me for the c-section within the hour. I guess I was really the only one who thought that a natural delivery was a viable option. Way back around when they admitted me, Steven was advised of the fact that c-section was a strong possiblity and during my labour he overheard the doctor voicing concerns about me hemorrhaging and that I'd probably have to have a c-section.
Okay, if you thought we were unprepared for this birth, then oh my gosh you have NO idea how unprepared I was for the thought of having surgery. I remember thinking about my prenatal class and how they walked us through "what if" you have a c-section. I still have some unresolved feelings towards this procedure. I'm not sure how to categorize it so for right now, we'll leave my feelings out of it.
...oh John's crying again...

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