We're in the home stretch now...almost TWO years old.
Other than words, I’m not sure what else is new. He knows body parts. Head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, boogers (technically I know not a body part), feet, hands, tummy. He likes to sing…badly…and off key. Totally my child. He can jump, although 9 times out of 10 his feet don’t actually leave the ground but all the moves are there. He can somersault with assistance. He alternates between eating really well to not eating at all. He still loves to throw food at Riley, who btw, is still his all time favorite.
He’s growing taller. How tall? About this high. Honestly, I don’t know how tall he is. His new catch words are: “oh no”, “seriously”, “thank you”. He will use these constantly, in the wrong context and oh so adorably.
He likes to help carry the basket at the grocery store. He also likes to help out around the house. He loves to vacuum. I’m positive that he’s channeling his Auntie Brenda because of this fascination with the vacuum cleaner. He’ll put his dishes in the sink if asked. He’ll also throw things into garbage, unasked. Sometimes non-garbage related items. He charms absolutely everyone he meets. And for the most part he’s a laid back little guy.
Other than words, I’m not sure what else is new. He knows body parts. Head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, boogers (technically I know not a body part), feet, hands, tummy. He likes to sing…badly…and off key. Totally my child. He can jump, although 9 times out of 10 his feet don’t actually leave the ground but all the moves are there. He can somersault with assistance. He alternates between eating really well to not eating at all. He still loves to throw food at Riley, who btw, is still his all time favorite.
He’s growing taller. How tall? About this high. Honestly, I don’t know how tall he is. His new catch words are: “oh no”, “seriously”, “thank you”. He will use these constantly, in the wrong context and oh so adorably.
He likes to help carry the basket at the grocery store. He also likes to help out around the house. He loves to vacuum. I’m positive that he’s channeling his Auntie Brenda because of this fascination with the vacuum cleaner. He’ll put his dishes in the sink if asked. He’ll also throw things into garbage, unasked. Sometimes non-garbage related items. He charms absolutely everyone he meets. And for the most part he’s a laid back little guy.