Monday, January 26, 2009

There's a Difference?

We met my friend Tamara and Alex, her eldest son, for dinner tonight. They are in town for a couple of days. On the way home Steven was asking me if I thought he had given Alex a hard time. And in Steven terms, this translates into "did I irritate Alex"? or "did I tease him enough"? NOT too much because in Steven world there is never any such thing as "too much".

Steven: Did I make a good impression?
Me: Not good, there is no good impression for you. There is simply an impression.
Steven: Okay, did I make an impression?
Me: Well, you could have eased into it a bit, he doesn't get to see us that often. Better let him get used to you before you try and make him scared.
Steven: No, that's not my style. I want him to remember me as the crazy one.

Okay, mission accomplished.

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