Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween!

I took the afternoon off so I could be home in time to decorate the house and get ready to go out.  and once again, our good friend Crystal came by to help us out by handing out treats so both Steven & I could take John out.

We're so unfashionable, we buy costumes based on price not based on what is cool.  I had such an awesome idea for a costume, I thought "Hey, mom was crafty, I could totally make our costumes"  I suck.  Maybe next year I'll make the awesome family costumes.

Steven ventured out to the massive annual costume sale.  (he did this last year too) 

Look at his eye.  So cute.  So shifty.

Smurfette and Spiderman.

I had an eyepatch but unfortunately the elastic snapped right before this picture. :(

Crystal and John

The pumpkins

The haul
Too bad, we don't let John eat too much candy.

Crystal and John

Poor John, I'm pretty sure he could barely see out of the eyeholes.
Note to self, don't buy a costume with a head mask next year.

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