Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Since last Wednesday I have, well really, it's more like since one of those Wednesdays in June...

Okay, truth time.  Since we started the patio work, I hadn't had any time to exercise.  And then we went on vacation in mid-July.  Which I might add, I did take 2 of my DVD workouts but I didn't use them.  I wanted to run on the beach and I jogged for about 3 minutes.  We hiked and walked our way through the Maritimes but at the same time, I also ate my way through, so that really cancels each other out.  I had every intention on starting to exercise when we returned but it had been so long and I was so tired all the time and then I was sick.  So I know, excuses, excuses.

On the plus side, I didn't gain weight on vacation.

On the negative side, I have gained weight since being home. :(

I have only exercised twice since returning...and that includes tonight!

So there it is.  I need to re-commit to my goals and have new incentives.  I think my Christmas dress will be a nice start.

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