Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

I can't believe how fast this year has blown by.

I'm sitting in my kitchen, typing on my new iPad listening to my sisters play Trouble with John and Whitey is reading the rules. That's right. My new iPad. And who gave me the new toy?

My boss.

God, I love my job. We all received iPads at work.

After much research, Steven's boss approved the acquisition of a new TV today!

I'll post some pictures later this week. I really need to get that poem sent out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Woot!  Just won Candyland.  I rock.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Elmo just beat me at Candyland.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


So it has come to my attention that I have been slacking off with my blogging. 

In Steven's words, "I've checked the blog, there's been no updates, how am I supposed to know what's going on?"

Look who was sick a couple weeks ago.
He's actually a good sick kid.  Very undemanding....unlike some other people in this house.

Helping dad build the new toy storage bin.

Yes, I am that mom.
I found out that the kids could bring treats to class.
So, I made treat bags.

You can't really tell but John signed each card.
I didn't do all the work...most of it but not all.

Halloween ring from a different treat bag.

Discovered that there's another mom in John's class.
She made treat bags and....and....THEY WERE NICER THAN MINE.

Sometimes after supper we will play a game.
Or practise letters.
Or numbers.

I bought some number flash cards.
We have so much fun.

He can count to 100.
All by himself.

Look who's finally on the bed.

One day I'm sure I'm going to open the bedroom door and Riley will be sleeping on the bed and John will be on the floor.

Seriously, I'm pretty sure he's the most gifted child on the planet.

Such a big boy.

A boy and his dog.
A boy who thought his dog may have been cold.
A boy who wrapped his dog with a blanket.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Steven:  I spy with my big round eye....

John: I spy with my tiny little eye...

Me: Really?  We're gonna go there?  Well alright then.
Me: I spy with my slanted eye....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another Date Day...

I really need to catch up on all my posts.

Months and months ago, I received an email announcing another kid's show coming to town.  I immediately told my friend and we bought tickets....and then promptly forgot all about the tickets.  And then summer came and went.  And then FINALLY!

Posing for pictures outside the theatre.

Arm around his girlfriend, headlock...same thing to John.


Family Fun

You know, I thought I had already posted these pictures but apparently I have not!

In September we wanted to surprise John with a golf day.

Seriously, this kid doesn't take a bad picture.
I'm sure Steven can't wait until he's old enough to golf with him.

First we went to the driving range.
Where I know that John's got more experience than I do.

And then we went mini-golfing!

Around the House

At what point during lunch did you think I said the following:

"wow, this egg salad tastes weird"

And at what point did you think I stopped eating the sandwich?

If you answered: first bite and never then YOU'D BE CORRECT.

That's right.  Totally playing fast and loose with my stomach lately.

Oh yeah, and in other news, I fell down the stairs on Sunday night/Monday morning.

Riley woke me up at about 1:00am because he had to go outside.
I roll out of bed, I shuffle out to the hallway.
I remember taking one step and then


Both feet are flying out in front of me.
My arms are flailing out at my sides.
And I'm crashing down the stairs.

But luckily, my elbows broke my fall.

I am in pain.  But according to my doctor and some x-rays, nothing is broken merely badly bruised.

Steven is so kind.  He is letting me choose the show we are watching.  And in return, I am making him watch the entire show, commercials and all. 

Me: "it's not going to kill you to watch commercials.  this is how I miss parts of my show"
Steven: "You don't know that.  you're gambling with my life here"

Me: "finish your dinner"
John: "I no can finish"  "My tummy full"
John: "I have good idea" "I go poo now, I make more room in my tummy"

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween!

I took the afternoon off so I could be home in time to decorate the house and get ready to go out.  and once again, our good friend Crystal came by to help us out by handing out treats so both Steven & I could take John out.

We're so unfashionable, we buy costumes based on price not based on what is cool.  I had such an awesome idea for a costume, I thought "Hey, mom was crafty, I could totally make our costumes"  I suck.  Maybe next year I'll make the awesome family costumes.

Steven ventured out to the massive annual costume sale.  (he did this last year too) 

Look at his eye.  So cute.  So shifty.

Smurfette and Spiderman.

I had an eyepatch but unfortunately the elastic snapped right before this picture. :(

Crystal and John

The pumpkins

The haul
Too bad, we don't let John eat too much candy.

Crystal and John

Poor John, I'm pretty sure he could barely see out of the eyeholes.
Note to self, don't buy a costume with a head mask next year.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza

Have I mentioned that I love Halloween?  I mean, I love it.  Steven & I have carved pumpkins almost every year since we've been in the house.  I've decorated the house.  And now with John, we get to dress up and trick or treat!

We bought 4 pumpkins this year, one for each of us.

Steven decided to carve outside, to cut down on the mess.  He also decided to use power tools.

Goggles on.
Safety first. 

Riley's pumpkin.

More power tools.

Cutie pie with Lightning McQueen pumpkin.

Lightning McQueen, Mater, Haunted House, Googly Eyes

This is my pumpkin.
Next year I need to find something a bit more difficult.

Such a poser, no?

Do you know how difficult it is to get a good picture of both John & Riley?

Hey guys pose behind the pumpkins.
Look over here.

This way?

"Hey buddy, whatcha hidin' in your hand?"
"Is it a cookie?"

"yeh, I think it is a cookie"
"Oh, it's a good one too"

"Now?  Can I have the cookie now?"

 Pumpkin joy.
