Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Belated Halloween!

Happy Halloween. 231 kids. Can you even believe it? I know, insane isn't it? My friend Crystal came over again this year to hand out treats for us so both Steven & I could both take John out.

Steven carved all three pumpkins this year. I was too busy trying to clean the house and make dinner. Too bad because I LOVE carving the pumpkin.

This one's great. The pumpkins are glowing. Awesome, no? One pumpkin..ahahahaha. Here's our little Woody and his horse Bullseye. Yes, we all dressed up. We're that family. I wish we would have thought to have Riley in the picture.

You'd think that this picture was the after effect of too much candy but this was actually a before picture.
This year, John totally understood Hallowe'en.

Did you know that Woody didn't have a gun?

Yeah, me neither. Cheesy, Sears catalogue photo!
Poor John, I made him pose for so many pictures. The first treat allowed. He kept making "yum" "good" noises while he ate his bag of chips.
Happy Hallowe'en!

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