Time is just flying by. Six short months ago, he looked like this:
a couple minutes old
And now he's a little, itty, bitty dude.
He's eating vegetables now. And wonders upon wonders, I'm actually making his food instead of buying it! (Tam, I know, I know! I totally used to harass you about it and now I'm doing it.) I just couldn't stomach the thought of feeding him all those preservatives and also paying the ridiculously high prices for vegetables that I can steam and puree myself. It's definitely been interesting. I mean, it's all new to us so we're actually not sure how much is too much... I mean, he seems hungry and he's eating so we're feeding him. We see the doctor on Monday for our check up so I'll ask him. Right now, he has 4 Tbsp of cereal in the morning and 2 cubes of Yam at lunch and between 4-6 Tbsp of cereal at night. This is all on top of breastfeeding. I'm even thinking that he could eat more at lunch.Anyway, he's still almost rolling over again. It's like he's teasing us when he rolls almost all the way and then flips back down. He's done it before but it's not a regular thing for him at all. And he's sitting up with less and less support. Eek!! He still has his adult sounding farts (and smelling)... I can only imagine they will be getting worse as we introduce proteins into his diet. Bleh.
He laughs and laughs, it's one of the best sounds ever. And sticks his tongue out, not sure if he means anything by it, but he does it alot. He loves watching Riley and gets pretty upset if he walks out of the room. He also tries to touch/pet him whenever he gets the chance. Good thing the Rye guy has so much fur because those little hands are grabby and pinchy!!!
We're still having a rough time at bedtime but I keep saying "this is only a phase, it will get better. It won't last forever." Right? RIGHT??? It is better than at the beginning of December. I'm not trying any sort of sleeping plan right now because we're both still a little sick and recovering and we have shots coming up anyway so, really what's the point of trying to start something at night when it's going to be majorly disrupted in a week anyway?
I can't believe the amount of toys that he has. Well, really the amount of stuff in general that he has. It's completely taken over the living room. He has more clothes than both Steven & I combined. And I don't know what or where to store anything anymore. It's really a lost cause.
I keep thinking that he doesn't have alot of hair, but then I see old photos and realize that it is growing. Just the other day I noticed that his hair is growing a bit over his ears... it made me a little sad. We keep feeling his gums. My mom swears that teeth are coming but I don't feel anything yet... well, he does chomp down pretty hard sometimes during nursing... gah, not a pleasant feeling.
Over the past six months, I can't believe how everything has changed. Changed for the better. It's simply amazing. I wouldn't change anything... well, maybe the c-section part but other than that.. nothing. Not even the sleepless nights (past, present and future) because it makes you appreciate when he is sleeping. Or even the feeling of having a sleeping baby on you. The wonderful, lovely, powerful feeling that you were able to comfort this little tiny being. That this little tiny person loves you unconditionally and relies on you completely. You are his world and as draining as it is sometimes, it's the best. I can't begin to describe how I've changed because of him.