Sunday was the first time John went to Church.
Sunday was probably also the first time that I've been awake at 10am.
Sunday was the first time since being put on bedrest that I've been able to attend Church.
We packed up ourselves to go to Church, it was sort of cold and it looked like it was going to rain but we went. Everyone loved John, of course. I've never had that many people stop and talk to me, well, rather they had to stop and talk with me while they admired John.
Monday was the first time John went to the movies. I went with 2 other moms (& babies) from my pre-natal class. We went to see Stardust, it was suprisingly good. Apparently there's this deal with the movie theatres that they offer one showing of a movie in one theatre as "baby-friendly". There's a change table, a microwave, the lights aren't as dim and the sound isn't as loud. It's okay to walk the aisles with baby, and the car seat fits right in the seat. All in all, an absolutely wonderful idea! What a great marketing concept.
Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment, both of us. Our regular doctor is on holiday so we saw Dr. Y. John is healthy and growing well. He's 12.2 lbs and 22.2". According to the charts he's only in the 20-30 percentile but it's still early so he may still be tall. (here's hoping that he's got Steven's height to balance out my head!) We were also a bit concerned because he wasn't really tracking BUT when Dr. Y did it, John followed her with his eyes and moved his head to follow her. So, the problem is really with Steven & I, we're just not interesting enough for John to track. He's a little bored with us. She also said by around 3 months, John should be sleeping through the night. Oh my gosh, there may be light at the end of that tunnel. But last night I went to bed at around midnight, and I didn't breastfeed John until 715am. Steven put him down so I'll have to check with him but it seems like he slept right through. I'm feeling VERY refreshed this morning. If only Steven wasn't sleeping, I could finally vacuum the upstairs!
Yesterday we also had a visit with Marilyn who got a little baby love fix.
Yesterday John also got to meet Casey.