Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy First Anniversary!

July 13, 1996 - two months together

Christmas 2004

Horseshoe Canyon, Summer 2005 (I think)

August 31, 2006 Las Vegas BABY!!!

August 25, 2007... apparently you CAN dress us up and take us out!

Two Months Old!

John's getting so big. He's got such a personality of his own. He's starting to "talk", he giggles, he smiles and he's still farting loudly and proudly! It's simply amazing that he's already 2 months old, just seems like yesterday we were bringing him home. I blink and he changes.

Isn't this the cutest picture ever? Auntie Dawna is warming up John after his bath and he's just gazing at her. He's so adorable. And yes, despite being grossed out by his poops, spitup and farting, she was his devoted slave.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Waiting, Again

My Auntie Dawna is flying in today.
You know within about 2 minutes she will be my slave!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Okay, 2.5 missed feedings = very VERY sore boobies
I can't even begin to describe how much pain I've been in since last night. I even had to take a shower at about 2am to try and relieve some pressure and pain. Only slightly helped. I just got home from purchasing 2 breast pumps. I bought one and then I saw at another store that there was one with a carrying bag. They call it a "discreet" bag. Good enough for me! Anything to relieve the pressure. It was so painful that I had a difficult time sleeping last night. Just could not get comfortable. Took a nap this afternoon and woke up befuddled and in even more pain.

So, awhile ago I asked my mom to get me the different ways to write Toshio. The way it is written will result in different translations of the name. I've had in the back of my mind that I will do something with his name. Originally I was thinking of incorporating it into a tattoo but there's a bit of a disagreement in our household regarding that situation. But now, I may get some sort of decoration or something. Anyway, my uncle Yas came thru and sent up a bunch of different ways to write his middle name. The traslations range from "clever boy", "strong", "brave". You should see the different characters, holy smokes they are all completely different. I kind of prefer the "clever boy", there are better translations but I really like the characters of this one. I'll keep you posted on what I choose to do.
I'm so tired.

Happy Birthday!

"Auntie Dawna, Happy Birthday. Look what mommy is doing to me!!!"

"Help me!"

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Eight Weeks

Incredible. Eight Weeks Old today. Amazing. It still seems like only yesterday I was crying in the hospital, waiting for you to be born.

He's getting so strong, he likes lifting his head up during tummy time. Well, he likes tummy time because really, in our house it's called "farting time". He likes grabbing onto fingers and once he's grabbed your finger, it's a battle for him to let go. Or when you change his diaper, he makes his legs go straight so you either can't get the sleeper on or off his little legs. His chubby, chubby legs. And his feet and toes... heaven! So tiny. So perfect.

This is us, dolled up at the wedding last night. It was such a good time. Everything was so beautiful. Nolan & Leanne are so in love and just perfect for each other.

Even though she denies it, I'm pretty sure my mom held John the entire time we were gone! If John thinks that I'm a softie, then grandma is definitely his puppet!

Friday, August 24, 2007


I am patiently sitting here waiting for my grandma & Aunt Cindy to come & bask in my glory.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The First Time...

Sunday was the first time John went to Church.

Sunday was probably also the first time that I've been awake at 10am.

Sunday was the first time since being put on bedrest that I've been able to attend Church.

We packed up ourselves to go to Church, it was sort of cold and it looked like it was going to rain but we went. Everyone loved John, of course. I've never had that many people stop and talk to me, well, rather they had to stop and talk with me while they admired John.

Monday was the first time John went to the movies. I went with 2 other moms (& babies) from my pre-natal class. We went to see Stardust, it was suprisingly good. Apparently there's this deal with the movie theatres that they offer one showing of a movie in one theatre as "baby-friendly". There's a change table, a microwave, the lights aren't as dim and the sound isn't as loud. It's okay to walk the aisles with baby, and the car seat fits right in the seat. All in all, an absolutely wonderful idea! What a great marketing concept.

Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment, both of us. Our regular doctor is on holiday so we saw Dr. Y. John is healthy and growing well. He's 12.2 lbs and 22.2". According to the charts he's only in the 20-30 percentile but it's still early so he may still be tall. (here's hoping that he's got Steven's height to balance out my head!) We were also a bit concerned because he wasn't really tracking BUT when Dr. Y did it, John followed her with his eyes and moved his head to follow her. So, the problem is really with Steven & I, we're just not interesting enough for John to track. He's a little bored with us. She also said by around 3 months, John should be sleeping through the night. Oh my gosh, there may be light at the end of that tunnel. But last night I went to bed at around midnight, and I didn't breastfeed John until 715am. Steven put him down so I'll have to check with him but it seems like he slept right through. I'm feeling VERY refreshed this morning. If only Steven wasn't sleeping, I could finally vacuum the upstairs!

Yesterday we also had a visit with Marilyn who got a little baby love fix.

Yesterday John also got to meet Casey.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Seven Weeks

I do believe that he's laughing at me.

Seven weeks... wow... I'm amazed at how fast the days are slipping by.

First time playing with this toy.


Riley, the helper dog. Checking on his baby.


"How YOU doin'?"

Friday, August 17, 2007

Tummy Time

We've discovered that John really likes laying on his tummy. It helps him fart. ALOT. And he falls asleep faster if he's on his tummy, but now you hear that you're not supposed to let babies sleep on their tummies so I'm all paranoid about letting him sleep for long periods of time and I can't fall asleep myself if he's on his tummy. I just can't win. He finally falls asleep and I feel I have to watch him sleep. So.Wrong.
We went downtown on the weekend to walk around, it was beautiful.


He's really blurry and grumpy in this photo but this is from Thursday. It was the reunion for my PreNatal class. It was the very first actual outfit that he's ever worn. Even socks... that's probably why he's so pissed off!

And this is the very first walk with just me, John & Riley. Went alot better than I thought it would. Rye hardly pulled at all, he stuck right beside the stroller and of course he had to be ahead of the stroller. He's such a good dog, too bad he looks like Hannibal Lector in this picture.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Overdue Update

I love PostSecret. Go check it out, very powerful.
I decided to use the remote control instead of the heartbeat bear to show how big John is getting. I thought it was much more like us! At his last doctor's appointment he was 11 pounds... no wonder my arms are getting sore!
Let's see what's been happening? Oh, Steven's cousin Wayne and his girlfriend Julie were in town over the long weekend and we visited with them. Very nice to see him again and to finally meet Julie.

Oh my gosh, we had so much fun!
And Steven went back to work and John, Riley & I were on our own this past week. It was sort of lonely but kind of nice to have my baby all to myself!

I love this picture. I'm not exactly sure if he thinks that I can see him or not!

Poor Riley, I make him pose for so many pictures. Before you know it, I'll be trying to dress them up in the same outfits! I should scan some pictures of me & my sisters when we were kids, there are some pictures where we are dressed in similar outfits. Not too bad for me but considering that Cindy is 9 yrs older than me, I feel sort of bad for her. Remember those purple outfits? I know Dawna & Cindy wore them, not too sure about me.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Been a Long Week!

A long and tiring week. Sometimes in lieu of my naps I've been doing housework. Bad Idea. Also sometimes John starts to fuss after less than an, no nap. Darn. But he's still so darn cute.

I don't actually have too much to say right now, I'm pretty tired but I'd thought I'd quickly post some pictures.

This is taking way too long, I've got to go...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Five Weeks

I didn't have any time to update yesterday.

My friend Deb, and her kids Lucas & Echo stopped by for a visit yesterday.

And John started playing with the hanging toys. This is actually part of something else but it's detachable so when he's awake and lying in his bassinet, sometimes we prop it up so he can see it. Mostly he ignores it but yesterday he started playing with it. Either that or swatting it because it was blocking his view... one of the two!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Down by the River

We went for a walk today down at xxxxx Park, it's right by the xxxxx. It was really nice out, even though it was quite hot there was a nice breeze and lots of shade. Steven really enjoyed himself, John slept thru it all and myself, well I had a good time but I've been having alot of pain again around the incision. Not sure what's happening, wondering if this is normal or perhaps I'm overdoing it too soon? Anyone have a c-section? Would appreciate any advice on this topic.

Anyway, here are the pictures...
