Thursday, January 28, 2010

1, 2, er...A, B, umm, 3!

Tonight John & I were playing on his Alphabet Town game. There's a bunch of different "learning games". There's counting, alphabet, music time, spelling etc.. So, we're playing with the alphabet and I was asking him for the letter H.

Me: Where's the H
John presses the J
The Game: "J"...(makes the "J" sound)
Me: No, where's H?
John presses the H

Steven: John! I can't believe you didn't pick the H. You know your counting.
Me: Excuse me? What did you say?
Steven: umm, (big pause)... counting?
Me: And you're the one staying at home with him?
Steven: I know, kind makes you think doesn't it?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Argh! Get Ready to Walk the Plank Ya Scurvy Dog

Ahoy Matey!
Look what I got for Christmas....GAR! Now where be those lily-livered scoundrels?

Argh. don't let this adorable face mislead you. I am rotten to the core. ahoy! My Booty! Thar she be! Aye, thar be the poop deck. hee hee. poop deck.
shiver me timber

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday - Hump Day

Guess who made bread tonight? So it was in a bread maker but still c'mon! Fresh bread!

And in other news, I got my stitches out this morning. Am happy to report that there will be little or no scarring.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There are traditionally forty days in Lent which are marked by fasting, both from foods and festivities, and by other acts of penance. The three traditional practices to be taken up with renewed vigour during Lent are prayer (justice towards God), fasting (justice towards self), and almsgiving (justice towards neighbour). Today, some people give up a vice of theirs, add something that will bring them closer to God, and often give the time or money spent doing that to charitable purposes or organizations.

I love Wikipedia!

Lent in 2010 will start on Wednesday, the 17th of February and will continue for 46 days until Saturday, the 3rd of April.

In Western Christianity Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Holy Saturday. The six Sundays in Lent are not counted among the forty days of lent because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter", a celebration of Jesus' victory over sin and death.

Google is AWESOME.

I've been wondering what to give up for Lent. I may give up a couple of things since it's supposed to be something that is considered a sacrifice. My first choice is to give up Facebook but since that won't be much of a sacrifice, I should probably also choose something more meaningful. What about coffee? That would definitely be a sacrifice for me. How does that sound? Facebook and coffee.

Steven has decided to give up sex. But since Sundays are mini-celebrations then in his mind he figures we'll actually have more sex since we'll have to celebrate on Sundays. How can you fault his logic? He gives up something that is a sacrifice yet still would manage to make it into a win?

Blue Monday + 1

Blue Monday by definition is the most depressing day of the year. And that would be yesterday. Although, it is starting to piece together now. I've been fairly sad lately. Maybe in all the excitement of the holidays I let myself forget about all the crap going on in my head. And work has been extremely busy but good busy so I haven't had time to over analyze stuff or anything like that.

I've been really stressed at work and I think it may be becoming too much for me. It may have tipped the scales from being a good stress reliever to contributing to my stress and sadness factor.

I appreciate going to work, having a good job. Being able to provide for our family and having the ability to be able to choose to have one of us stay at home.

Something has got to give. And at this point, I'm not exactly sure what is going to happen. I may have a breakdown.

I'm just giving you all fair warning.

Do you know what is making me hang on?

Knowing that I have this in my life. Knowing that this IS my life.

I'm just tired of being sad. I'm tired of pretending that everything is okay. Do you know what? I don't have it all together. I don't fucking care anymore what you think. I need to put myself first and everyone else be damned.

It's a new year. You better watch yourself because I sure as hell am not going to. I'm done being nice. I just want to be happy again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Email Addresses

We've lost almost everyone's email address.

Please email us!

911 What is Your Emergency?

Look what John got for Christmas. A new fire engine. Yipee!

Poor Farmer and Farmer's Wife have been banished to the basement.
They will no longer be riding on the engine, answering your calls.

You'll be happy to hear that Lightning McQueen
will be extinguishing any blazes in your neighborhood.
Not one, but TWO Lightning McQueens!
Doesn't that make you feel safe and secure?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Top Ten List for 2009

I read blogs. I love reading blogs. I read alot of blogs. There's been this list that's been floating around recapping the previous year. There's memes regarding the previous year. I've been toying with the idea of doing either one but I'm just not sure that I can. Plus does anyone else really care? I mean, really?

And I'll just assume that there are people reading and are interested in our sad, lame, boring and pathetic lives.

My Top Ten List for 2009, in no particular order.

1. My little family of four.

2. My sisters.

3. My laptop. ( I know, materialistic but I need to be honest. I love my laptop)

4. My health

5. My job.

You know, you'd think that 10 wouldn't be that high of a number but oh my God. I think I have to stop at 5. If I did any more than five then really it would be stretch. I have to be honest this past year was, for the most part, brutal. The start of 2009 is sort of a blur. I mean, I know that I lived it but I just don't quite remember alot of it. I think that I was just going thru the motions. And then sometime in the Spring, I woke up out of my trance. My life was still shitty, I was still crying alot but it wasn't quite as painful. The ache was still there but the pain had lessened.

Then I made a conscious decision to live. To be happy. To be an adult and make the most out of my life and to put my own family first. My small, little family was my priority.

And so this past Summer was good. It was like an awakening for me. To appreciate my husband who, while not understanding me all the time, still loves me. Who supports me, who raises our son and looks after me. To love my son and cherish whatever time that we have together. Because in the big scheme of things, you just don't know, do you? And to embrace my dog, who is getting older and slower but still so very smart and loveable.

And then the Fall. Oh, the Fall of 2009 kicked me in the proverbial nuts. And then pissed on me while I was down writhing in pain. I have alot of different emotions running through me. There's alot of different things aching to get out. But possibly that's for a future blog post.

If you don't see me cry, please don't think that I don't. I just can't go down that road again. I can't lose that much of myself again. And you know what? It's a completely different situation and there is a completely different set of emotions to deal with. You don't know me. Don't think that you do. There isn't a right or a wrong way to grieve. This is definitely a future blog post.

In preparation for this post, I pulled last year's "BS" (Best Shot) list for 2009. How did I do?

This is my BS for 2009

  • I will not gain more weight - well, up until dad died, I had actually lost 12 pounds. And then I gained it all back in 2 months
  • I will become more spiritually aware of my surroundings - this one is really hard to gauge. I think that I am but I could probably try harder
  • I will try to see it from the other person's perspective - I actively try and do this. I am well aware of my shortcomings and I work hard at this one. To take a step back and take a moment before speaking.
  • I will try at least one new thing - I tried alot of new things this year. Not very exciting but the one I will share with you is that I took a knitting class.
  • I will read more non-fiction, I will read ONE non-fiction book - I was very successful at this one. I read a couple of non-fiction books. The problem that I actually had was that I didn't write down any titles!
  • I will make a budget - didn't do :(
  • I will stick to my budget - see above
  • I will organize my home desk - sort of, kind of, maybe organized it a bit.
  • I will TRY and be tidier and less of a pack rat - really, I try. I have cleaned up a bit and thrown some stuff out. I have to be strict with myself with what I need to keep and what I need to throw away. I try to make an effort. But biggest motivating factor behind this is the TV show "Hoarders" on A&E. Every time I watch this show, it always gives me a boost to clean up.

My BS List for 2010

  • I will LOSE weight
  • I will continue reading non-fiction
  • I will make a budget
  • I will stick to the budget
  • I will continue to be tidier
  • I will try one new thing this year
  • I will put my family first (although this one should probably be first on the list!)
